Wednesday, August 22, 2007

How was your summer?

Greetings one and all! It has been a long, HOT summer. Here are some statistics from the news last night............... Yesterday was the 12th day in a row at 100+, day 20 at 95+, day 28th at 90+. The current record is in 1954 with 31 days at 90+ temperatures. They said we will have no trouble breaking that since there is no relife in sight for the rest of this month! Whew! Yet when my oldest dd calls from northern MI it is only in the low 60's there. Makes me miss it...... a little, especialy the early fall like Sept.

Speaking of my oldest dd, she came to visit the end of June and brought her entrerouge - LOL It was her, my grandson who was 6 months at the time, her monther in-law to be, her step-daughter to be and her step-daughters half sister. Got that all straight? LOL we had trouble too. I t was a WONDERFUL visit, but went by way to fast. We ate to much, cooked out, played in the pool, had all our friends over and looked at her baby pictures! We all went to the Chattanooga Aquarium and saw the penguins, then came home and had to watch "Happy Feet". I think one of my favorit memories (not my dd to be sure) is when she took my other two oldest to visit their dad in East TN. (Morrison) and got lost on the way back. Late at night during an electic storm we get a tearful call, "Mom I'm at the Virgina welcom center!" OOPS! LOL

Well summer has went by wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to fast, but we are gearing up for a really great fall. Which we need since the year started so bad with our car accident and all. Then continued in a down trend with my dh being out of work, braces, bills, pastor moving to South Korea and lets not forget last week......... lice, opposum bit my doxin's tail off, underwire bra puncturing me and my family trying to make up by pretending nothing is wrong with their behavior. Big Sigh, and those are just the highlights.

But looking ahead we are once again feeling renewed in our faith. We have a great intream Pastor from Franklin leading our church family and helping us grow stronger as we sellect a new Pastor. My oldest son went on a mission trip that was a huge success and he has been asked to join our adult team as they go on one of thier yearly mission trips to Hati. An honor indeed, no other youth was asked. Same said son is starting high school this year, with a learning I.Q. already higher then mine when I graduated. My middle dd is starting 6th grade and entering puberty, interesting combo. And the twins are busy wrestling each other, learning to share and not only working on colors as well as numbers; but have developed quit an affinity for classical music. I believe Beehtovan is Elijah's favorit while Elysha prefers Wagner and a little Vivaldi. Isn't home schooling great? Speaking of home school, my son was asked to join our local library board as they prepare an expansion project. I can only assume it is because he is of a dying breed, teenagers who actualy read books. And we started our home school co-op yesterday. The kids really loved it and the twins are now at an age to fully enjoy it as well. Once a week we go over to Tullahoma and join with other home schoolers and share our skills and teach new things. My dh is teaching guitar this year and I am teaching a kid bible study with arts and crafts. The best part is my ds can take his biology lab over there as well as his college prep writing.