I am a SAHM who loves God and the family He blessed me with. We live in middle TN. but are from northern MI. My oldest dd still lives there and gave my my first grandbaby five years ago, Jack - Jack, number two~ baby Hunter is one! I home school my 3 children,16, and 8year old twins. I just graduated my 19 son. So I guess SAHM is a bit misleading - LOL
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Whats up Wed.
Still thinking - LOL Mostly just wanted to let everyone know we are still alive.
I guess the only other big news is that this is tax free week-end for us here in TN. Just so happens to correspond with DH payday (10 left to Christmas). Since public schools starts here in less than two weeks all the school items will be hot. We actually don't use many school items, except paper and pencils. We will most likely start at the end of Aug. I am hoping to get all our stuff ordered in the next two weeks. With one in high school, one in middle school and two in pre school . . . You get the picture.
Well off to start dinner then bible study at church tonight. Two more weeks and dinners will also start back up. Yeah, a night off for me!
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, July 28, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Friday, July 25, 2008
Frugal Friday

I haven't seen the mighty Mac in many years, but thanks to cell phones and "more bars in more locations" (many disappointed drunks out there) I can see it with my sister anytime!
Catch more frugal Friday at www.biblicalwomenhood.com
Blessings, Beth Ann
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Whats up Wednesday

Whats up at your house?
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, July 21, 2008
Menu Planning Monday

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Looking for Goodwill

So here it goes, how would you answer these questions and spend your $10? I'll start you off with my answers:
1. Is there a place in your state which you especially enjoy? What is your favorite place, and why?
I know it sounds hooky but I actually just like being home in my own back yard.
2. What is the best thing about your town or state?
My town is small. We are close enough to big cities for anything we need, but still safe enough for my kids to play outside. It's nice going into businesses, church and know people enough to call them by name.
3. Of all the people you know, is there one who "stands out" for consistently doing good things?
Actually it's a married couple, and still pretty young, under the age of forty. Their mission field is everyone they meet. They will give food, cloths, money, rides, you name it. If they can do it they do, if they can't they find someone who can! Very rare in what I consider "young" people now adays.
4. Which person, living or dead, would you most like to meet, or meet again?
This is a hard one. I am thinking my mother in-law. I hadn't even been married a year when she was killed in a car accident. I had only just started to get to know her. She knew I had just found out I was expecting, but she never knew it was twins! I want to thank her for the wonderful job she did raising my husband.
5. What is the best decision you have made?
To re-establish my religion after my divorce.
6. Do you have a goal you still hope to achieve?
My husband (remarried) and I would like to go full time in our RV and see what God created in the Untied States before development and the all mighty dollar plow it under.
7. What is the best thing that has happened in your life?
Meeting my second husband. Someone to share my faith, goals, and dreams. He accepts me just the way I am. Warts and all.
8. If you had an opportunity to begin a new career, what would you choose to do?
Dear Husband and myself have toyed with the idea of owning our own campground. Have an opportunity to repay some of the hospitality that has been shown us while on the road.
9. Do you have a message of encouragement or words of advice for the readers across the land?
I would just like to share my favorite bible verse ~ Jeremiah 29:11-12 " For I know the plans I have for you", says the LORD, "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen".
What would you do with $10 to spread goodwill?
My town is so small we don't have an animal control or animal shelter. All unwanted, hurt or damaged animals end up at the local animal clinic. My son works there and through him I know how they struggle to take care of unwanted animals that are still adoptable. I would give the money to them for the care of unwanted animals. In the long run I believe keeping an animal until it is adopted can and will benefit not only the animal but the person who helps it.
Even if you don't read the book or answer the questions, even to yourself, I hope this has at least made you think about goodwill in your own community today.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Garden Gratituesday

A couple of turnips just brought in and ready to clean up for dinner.

For more Gratituesday check out www.heavenlyhomemakers.com
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, July 14, 2008
Whats for dinner this week?

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Nurishing Frugal Food

Friday, July 11, 2008
Foraging for food

Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Don't leave home

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Here is ds twin in the painting room. He did a wonderful free hand rainbow that he proudly displays over his bed.

Here is oldest ds in a building "zone".

Thanks for sharing my blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, July 07, 2008
What's for dinner this week?

Monday: Italian baked chicken w/herbed pasta and salad
Tuesday: Sirloin Fajitas w/coleslaw
Wednesday: Peanut butter and jelly (made with the fresh blue berries I picked and made into preserves) french toast with home fries
Thursday: Eggplant & rice casserole w/ baked white fish
Friday: Chicken tetrazzini w/ steamed broccoli
Saturday: Home made pizza w/salad
Sunday: Applesauce meatballs on rice with mixed veggies
Whats for dinner at your house? Need ideas? Get more of menu plan Monday at www.orgjunkie.com.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Sunday, July 06, 2008
All over but the yawning

My plan was to start the day early, get all my shopping out of the way and have the rest of the morning to cook, and the afternoon to chill. Well everyone else in town had the same plans, and stores were packed by 8 a.m. I persevered, got home and to quote a singer/Pink - "get this party started".

This one I took just because I had never seen anyone cook in a fedora before! That is my very own oldest ds baking his famous carrot cake. I know I have mentioned it before, but the boy LOVES to bake! He says it relaxes him. How many fifteen year olds do you know who stay out of trouble by staying in the kitchen! LOL
Well we all had a great time, great food, great fellowship (even if the guys did split to have their fellowship in a fireworks tent up on the highway). I had bought all the kids those glow in the dark necklaces and by the end of the night even the animals were glowing! Once again, I love living here in Tn!
Remember to join me tomorrow for menu planning Monday.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Thursday, July 03, 2008
A day late

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Making do with what you got
First I just want to mention that any recipe that calls for wine or sherry you can always substitute chicken stock/broth. I never by these wines for cooking, even though I know that it does enhance flavor. I just can't justify that expense out of my grocery money. I buy a 5lb. bag of low sodium vegetable broth powder from a local food co-op for about $12 and it lasts me about 6 months. I would easily spend that much on one bottle of wine for cooking. I also ran out of B.B.Q. sauce this week. I usually make my own with ketchup and brown sugar plus some other good stuff, but I also didn't have enough ketchup! I always keep a ton of tomato sauce on had for everything. I can buy a 29oz. can at Wal-mart for .85 (was .79 up until a month ago) and use it for pasta/pizza sauce. Cheapest "pasta sauce" they have is still $1 and had bad stuff in it for you. So see, win win situation. Anyway, I found a great ketchup recipe in one of my lo-carb cook books, surprising place to find healthy recipes, but it's true. Turns out to make ketchup all you really need is tomato paste, yup, those little .33 cans! Had that too - LOL So now you can make your ketchup, than turn that into B.B.Q. sauce! You should feel great since you didn't spend any extra money and you didn't waste gas to go to the store. Besides, you know if you did go to the store you would buy way more than just ketchup or B.B.Q sauce, law of nature. Again, win win situation. Finely, this morning I needed some steak sauce . . . You guessed it. out of that too. But I do still have some ketchup, so with a little lo-carb magic I made my own steak sauce. All of these taste great by the way. You can control the amount of salt and sugar in your own food. So now you feel totally empowered - You save money, you save gas, you are using the resources at hand, and controlling the nutrition of your own food !
So with a little planning, having a staple stocked pantry and a little time and energy you can make the best of what you got!
Blessings, Beth Ann