I am a SAHM who loves God and the family He blessed me with. We live in middle TN. but are from northern MI. My oldest dd still lives there and gave my my first grandbaby five years ago, Jack - Jack, number two~ baby Hunter is one! I home school my 3 children,16, and 8year old twins. I just graduated my 19 son. So I guess SAHM is a bit misleading - LOL
Friday, January 30, 2009
Just checking in

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Grocery Cart Challange shopping Link

Total: $22.21

Head of Romaine Lettuce $1
Box cereal $1.65
32oz. jar pickles $1.69
Total: $4.77

We rounded out our trip into the city by stopping into Wal=Mart
2- gallons of milk @$3.14 each/$$6.26
cake mix $.88
frosting $1.26
2ct. frozen pie shell $1.52
15lb. cat litter $2.78
29 oz. tomato sauce $.82
2lb. brown rice $1.58
20 oz. crushed pineapple $.98
70ct. bendy straws $1.50
100ct. 3 oz. bathroom cup $1.56
gallon of ice cream $3.97
bacon pieces for salads $1.50
3- jiffy corn muffin mix @ $.36 each/$1.08
60ct. fish oil pills $.47
Total: $31.73

This is the loot from my second trip, the local stores here in town.
32 oz. margarine $1.3
2- 2c. bags shredded cheddar @$1.69 each/$3.38
2c. bag shredded mozzarella cheese $1.69
Total: $6.50
Dollar General Market
Hot dog buns $.95
4ct. angel soft t.p. $1.25
8 oz. Lawry's season salt $1.65
4lb. sugar $1.75
2- Turkey dogs @$1 each/$2
16 oz. imitation crab leg flakes $2
Total: $10.32
Grand total: $75.53 YES!!!!!!
For more of the GCC shopping link please visit www.grocerycartchallenge.blogspot.com
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, January 19, 2009
Menu Plan Monday 1/18 -1/24

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Happy B-day DH
Here is a look at life with hubby in review :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sweet Sixteen

Here are all four of my wonderful children, who still live at home. We are a close group, and he is very hands on with the twins.
Bible Study

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
GCC Shopping Cart Round up

Came home, had some lunch and then did local shopping. First stop - Piggly Wiggly
1 green pepper - $.49, 2 cucumbers - $1, 1.31lb. ground beef - $1.95 and 28oz. dish soap $1 - Total = $4.74
Next stop Bi-Rite
16oz. blue bonnet light butter - $.99 and 3 pkgs. shredded cheese at $1.69 each. Total = $7.13
Last stop of the day was Dollar General Market (way better than a reg. $G)
1lb. bag carrots = $.75
2 pkgs. Jumbo Turkey franks $2
Romaine - $2
16oz. Pepperoni - $2
16oz. frozen green beans = $1
2 pkgs. frozen fries = $1.20
celery - $1
3ct paper towel - $1.25
120ct Kleenex - $1
hair spray - $1.25
100ct pain reliever - $2.75
2 cans tuna in water - $1.40
16oz. coffee - $2.50
15lb. bag dry dog food - $3.95
16x20 frame - $9
Total = 35.73
Grand total of all = $76.24
That is an overage of $1.26, but I had coinage to cover it! LOL I tell you I was living of the high all day! I know the frame sounds frivolous, but I had been looking for one for 6 months. This was the first time the store had one in that time and there were only two left. I felt blessed I had the money. I quickly took it home, printed out my dd wedding pictures from last Aug. and hung it! It looks fabulous and as she lives 800 miles away and I only see her once a year, I spent an entire day staring at it. Sigh.
Anyway, I am totally impressed that I was able to get that amount of produce and fruit. I felt proud with my purchases and like I had finely made "ends meet".
For more GCC visit www.grocerycartchallenge.blogspot.com
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, January 12, 2009
Menu Plan Monday

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Great Give away

Fond - ue Memories

Friday, January 09, 2009
Grocery Cart Recipe Challenge
Camping Chili
1 lb. ground turkey (may subsitute beef or TVP, both are equally good)
1 16oz. can kidney beans, drained
1 16oz. can black beans, drained
1 16oz. can northern beans, drained
16 oz. salsa
1 cup onions
2 tsp. chili powder
1 cup vegetable broth
In dutch oven brown meat and onion. Then add the remaining ingredients. Stir well and simmer until heated through. That simple!
Serves 8
For more frugal recipes visit www.grocerycartchallenge.blogspot.com
Blessings, Beth Ann
ww = 5 pts.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Menu Plan Monday

Sunday, January 04, 2009
Bible study day 4

Saturday, January 03, 2009
Bible Study

Friday, January 02, 2009
Funny Kids
My twin son with OCD, I have mentioned him a few times. The older he gets the more we can see we have issues with it and him. I have calculated that over the past 28 days he has broken 11 ornaments. Should have seen how dilapidated that poor tree looked when we took it down yesterday! He was constantly rearranging that tree. The only way to stop him was to put up a 8ft. fence of never be more than 2 inches from the boy at all times! Oh, and apparently it is all my fault. Little boy in question here told me after breaking an irreplaceable ornament that it was my fault because he was trying to help me. He had to fix the tree, a.k.a. put all matching ornaments together. If I had done the tree right the first time, this wouldn't be an issue. I have already made a notation in my day planner for next December, all Christmas ornaments will be made out of bubble wrap! Oh, and yes we do watch him. We kept the "good" ornaments at the top, but he learned he could reach those by climbing onto the back of the chair, getting on the window ledge and swinging on the drapes! Guess I shouldn't go to the bathroom and expect the older kids to be able to see more than 1 foot in front of them. When will I learn?
Ok, so twin son now has ornaments on his brain. I received an ornate, jewel embellished pair of hoop earrings for Christmas. I was wearing them proudly when twin son climbs onto my lap. He points to earring and said, 'what pretty ornament in your right ear mommy!" And he IS actually pointing at my right ear! Before I can laugh it off and say he got lucky he said, "oh and you have one in your left ear too!" WOW So, not only do my new earrings look like Christmas tree ornaments (I am sure this is a good thing), but the kid knows his right from his left at age 4 with no help from me. His own father isn't sure about these directions! LOL
Twin dd, she is very articulate and precocious for her age. A couple weeks ago I was in my room making the bed when she walks in and starts looking through my things (all the kids do, my teenage ds is the worst) and notices her baby book on a shelf. She wants to look at it, so I sit with her and page through it. There are many, many sonogram pictures due to the high risk pregnancy I had with the twins and she was fascinated with them. She asked what they were and I explained that they were pictures of her in my tummy before she was born. She got a horrified expression on her face and almost cried as she said, "Please mommy, don't eat me with a spoon again!" LOL LOL LOL See, I have this expression I use when she does something cute. I say, "your so cute I could eat you with a spoon!". LOL LOL Soooooooo, guess she figured I had already done it once! Makes sense to me. And few things do.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Bible study

Thursday, January 01, 2009
Ying and Yang
My New Year
Financial - We are tightening our belt even further this year. My DH short stint at Wal-Mart is over, so back to one pay check again. I have gone from about$600 a month on food/paper to $450 now I am going to figure out how to make $75 a week work for us. I believe this will be good for us on sooo many levels: We will have to give up eating out except on "truly" special occasions, give up soda and sweets. Eat mostly fresh whole food, no pre packaged food. This will help with our health issues and waist lines. It will also help us to achieve our goals, healthy bodies, living with in our means, setting good examples for our kids and being able to take our big trip to Alaska with no regrets or financial burdens.
Health - Like I mentioned above, eating healthier. I will cut out snacks and night time eating (hope Sonic doesn't go out of business because of us). Since we can't afford soda, will be much easier to get water in. I am also going to try to make it over to the walking track they put in a couple blocks from my house, 3 times a week and take kids with me - keep us moving!
Personal - Take more pride in ME! (ditch the sweats and ponytail that persecutes so many SAHM) Watch out Cover Girl and Revlon - Here I COME - LOL Once again, see above about health issues, would love to get off my b/p meds. I am also going to read the bible in a year. This one always gets derailed since I do bible study with all my kids during home school and I do bible study with the ladies at my church. So, am doing this for me!
As I reflect on the up coming year I only see positive things. My children our getting older and thus not as needy of my time, so I don't have to feel guilty taking time for me once in a while. I am looking forward to being more active in outside activities such as book club and gardening (if I can get my meds fixed so that I won't stroke out in the sun), and even using our pool more. And the big one is . . . despite what happened to us last year, camping - camping - camping! I will let go of the negativity the event left behind, grow new butterfly wings and spread them wide! I am only 40 and will stop living like I am 60. I have been taking care of children in my life for almost 22 years, I will start to reap the rewards.
My family and I are dedicating the year 2009 to being more disciplined and living a life we will be glad to give to GOD.
Blessings, Beth Ann