I am a SAHM who loves God and the family He blessed me with. We live in middle TN. but are from northern MI. My oldest dd still lives there and gave my my first grandbaby five years ago, Jack - Jack, number two~ baby Hunter is one! I home school my 3 children,16, and 8year old twins. I just graduated my 19 son. So I guess SAHM is a bit misleading - LOL
Monday, March 30, 2009
Menu Plan Monday for 3/30 -4/5

Friday, March 27, 2009
TGIF checking in . . .

Tonight is middle DD dance routine for her spring break dance camp. Lots of butterflies here :) And tomorrow is her Princess ball at the Lion's club. Her dress still isn't back from getting it's alterations yet. So, once aging plenty of butterflies here! LOL
Not much else new and exciting here. I joined weight watchers this week. I had done it once before with great results, about 8-9 years ago. They have once again revamped their program, looks promising though. This was a gift to me with some of our tax money, and I view it as an investment in my health. I guess the medical scare with my son really made me sit down and take stock. The twins will be five this memorial day, and it's time I got a piece of my life back since they don't need me as much now. I need to make sure I am healthy enough to go full time RVing when I get the chance! LOL
That's all for now and I will try to have some pic's of DD B to post in the next couple of days.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Whats happening at our house this week . . .
Middle DD took a dance boot camp this week, for spring break. So actually she is a bit soar too, but she is having a blast. We are looking into the possibility of her being able to continue dance after this. We will have to see how finances go. She is also going to the annual Lion's Princess Ball this coming Saturday. Grandpa D always takes her, but this year will be the last as they have sold their house and are moving to Vegas. So we went yesterday and picked out a special dress for this ball, a real princess gown. A lady at our church owns a consignment shop and does alterations, she helped us out. Hope to have pictures to post this week-end.
Today was the first day back to work for my oldest son. He has been out for almost two months due to his illness. He was a bit apprehensive, but all seems to have gone well. Since today was Wed. the clinic was only open until noon, as is the custom down south. Figured it was best to start with half a day. Next week the rabies vaccine clinics start, and he will be working week-ends too. Nice that a little bit of life is getting back to normal.
Well I didn't get to go to church/bible study because of sick twins, so I need to do the dinner thing myself tonight. I am thinking quick and simple eggs and home made toast. Will check back in soon.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, March 23, 2009
Howards big day out

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Whats up Wendsday

Well the home health care nurse has been here 3 times now, and what a blessing. Z is doing better as of Monday than he was Friday, but he did have a scare on Sunday. Those nurses are great, and they talked me through getting him re-hydrated and his b/p back up. We took ds in for a check up yesterday and they put him on iron pills. Oh, and he has gained one pound of the sixteen he lost back! Still a long road to walk though. The mono is really making the healing go slow. Z told me he is so glad he is home schooled. He felt like he would never get caught up in public school and not get the rest he needs. His boss, Doc at the animal clinic, said that when he had his tonsils out he missed a whole semester of school. All I know is that I am tired of being tired!
Life has a way of always moving forward though. I am making plans to work at our church for VBS. The twins will be turning five in two months! Our middle dd is getting ready to take some more cheer/dance classes. Our oldest dd is coming for a visit in June and bringing the grand baby!!!!! There are flowers to be planted. A garden to be put in. A pool to open, and fellowship to enjoy. I know many people are apprehensive in these troubling economic times, but I urge all to remember that God is in charge and He will take care of you when you put your trust in Him, not the government! With these comforting thoughts our house looks forward to this coming year and hope you do too!
Blessings, Beth Ann
Friday, March 13, 2009
As for the rest of us . . . It seems as if all us girls are sick. With the mono I am just sooooooo tired. If I sit down - I fall asleep! Both girls are tired and crabby and eating mostly soup. As for the guys . . . DH thinks he is getting an ulcer over all this. Z is having anxiety attacks when it is bedtime and youngest son just has a cold. So, who wants to come to our house to visit? LOL LOL LOL
Seriously, our church family has been a life saver, they come over - yea! Such a blessing to have a few meals brought over and people to see if they can help with errands and what not. The home health care people come over too, another huge blessing! Our insurance isn't great, but we feel blessed we have it and that it covers a home nurse for our son. If we didn't haven insurance would we have gotten the care at the three hospital trips that we did? Scary question. And without the nurse coming (we have a co-pay on that, but still . . . ) I am not sure any of us would sleep and I would be taking Z's b/p myself every half hour or so. So while many potentially life threatening mishaps occurred during the past 4 weeks, we are trying to focus on the blessings. My friendship with a lady at church has cemented in a way I would never have imagined a year ago, heck even six months ago. Now I would not only trust her with my life but that of each and everyone of my kids. If I asked her for a kidney tonight, she would have it to me yesterday. I only hope I can be the friend to her that she has been to me. As a family we have also grown closer to our new pastor and his wife, a true blessing. We were unsure of this couple when they came to our church, but they have shown themselves to be warm, loving, caring and have made us feel as if we are a "real" family. Thank you God for bringing us to TN. and putting these people in our lives.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Back from the hospital - AGAIN!
Guess it all started back at my last post, where he received a clean bill of health. That was Friday morning. Saturday Z woke up and yelled for me, he and his bed were covered in dried blood. Ok, looked like he blew a clot in the night. Did my best not to freak out, not as bad as last time. I looked the best I could down his throat and saw another smallish clot. He coughed that one up 20 minutes later. By noon Z was complaining of feeling tired. Mostly contibuted that to the Mono. I could tell by late afternoon DS was whipped, but we let his friend stay over anyway. Same kid as we talked about back at Christmas, kid needs some"home" life and we pretty much have adopted him. Anyway, around 6 p.m. Z was walking from the dinning room into the kitchen when he just sort of . . . faints. Okay, now I don't even try to not freak out. I saw the whole thing as I had been sitting in the living room talking to him as he walked by. He came to pretty quick and we got him some O.J. I am still pretty naive since I am blaming it on the 16lb. weight loss he has had over the last 4 weeks, due to the fact he couldn't eat and has been living on broth. Around 8 p.m. he vomited a vast amount of coagulated blood into my bathroom sink. Now we are starting to see the light. I voted right then and there to go to the hospital, but DS was pretty emthaic about not wanting to go back there. Next thing we know he passes stone cold out trying to get from the bathroom to his bed. He was whiter than white and his lips looked like they were covered in white chalk dust. While we quickly discuss weather to make the six minute drive ourselves or call 911 again, DS faints again. DH and son's Bff grab him up and head out the door. I stayed behind to get a babysitter for the other kids. By the time I got to the ER they already had him on a saline drip. Whe lab test came back with his H&H (red cell count) at 8, his last one when everything happed back on 2/16 was 16 - which was normal for a teenager with a viral infection. The doc (who recognized Z from the 2/16 office call - guess our doc called all the other clinic doc's to come look at his abscess - which I am told looked liked raw hamburger) said he figures DS lost about a quart of blood. He also wanted to know if the guy on Friday had even actually looded at my son or his throat since this amount is so large it couldn't have just happened literally over night. My son must have been already trickling it down the back of his throught by the time he saw the NET specialist Friday morning. Can we say Bart Durham? (local ambulance chaser)
Well son stayed 3 days in hospital and had a two unit blood transfusion. He also got his b/p back. By the time we got DS to the ER he had no blood pressure! Guess we know why he was passing out! On the up side he also got his apatite back! Yea! In the past two days the boy has had 7 servings of french fries, which he says is what he is craving. I know, he is spoiled. Unfortunately he also has acquired anxiety attacks. He was scared to come home, every time he comes home he seems to get worse and we go back, who can blame him? I have them too, I am now an official hovering mom. Poor kid, he goes to the bathroom and I start yelling "are you ok" after 3 minutes. I can't even sleep at night, I feel someone needs to be monerting him at all times. This is so unfair. We haven't seen any bills yet, but they let me know that we have ALMOST reached our out of pocket expenses and with the home health care they set up for him we should reach it. He only has the home visits for two weeks, but I feel better knowing someone is monorting his vitals and taking his blood cell count. When Z left today his count was up to 10!
Well my hands are shaking to much to type anymore, mono or nerves? Please keep praying for us and I will keep you posted.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Saturday, March 07, 2009
waiting, waiting . . .
Well son received a clean bill of health but was told it would take another 5-6 weeks to be 100% back to normal. Every time he yawns , he about cry. Which is what I guess happened last night. He woke up this morning a little panicked and started calling for me, which made me panic! I flashed back to the night he vomited blood. Well this wasn't quit so dramatic. He had some dried blood on his pillow, blankets and him self. Took us a few minutes to figure out that he must have had a clot and it came out in the night when he coughed. I checked him over and saw he had another good size clot in there waiting to be expelled, which happened shortly there after. There was no continual blood flow like before, so I relaxed. Then we spent the next half hour cleaning his room up. I am thinking I will pitch the sheets and just buy some new ones. I tried soaking them, but am not holding my breath. DS scrubbed the mattress as some had leaked all the way through, and he got it all out! Praise the LORD.
Oh and one last note on doctors. Remember how I thought I had mono but the doc said no way since I already had it. Well he did a mono spot anyway since I insisted (and he still remembered how I freaked out in the ER a week ago) and guess what . . . ? That's right, I have mono - again. My thyroid is perfectly fine, just mono, which is no fun either. So tired, all the time . . .
And I have a correction on the car front to add here. DH bought a 1973 Z-28 with T tops and functional things on the hood (sorry I don't share my DH love of cars). Can't wait for us all to ride to church together in that machine - LOL
Blessings, Beth Ann
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Doc's and dentist's
Today the twins went in for their six month check up, they did great! They were perfect angles, why is that? At home they are little terrors, always into something. Take them out and, bingo - sweet as can be. Does this happen to anyone else?

Tomorrow oldest ds goes for a post surgery check up with the NET specialist. I am sure he is doing great and will get a green light. My ds only cares if he can drink soda again or not. So typical. He has gone almost two weeks with no soda and he thinks it is the end of the world. I on the other hand keep pointing out to him how much better his acne looks. Am I mean or what?
Well I went to the doc yesterday and found out that if you have already had mono you can't get it again. He checked me over and couldn't say conclusively what the deal is. He is leaning towards a thyroid problem. So I had to go over to the lab and give them all my blood and half my urine. Then they said, don't call us, we'll call you. So that is where that stands.
Well it is sixty - five wonderful warm sunny degree's here and I am going to take the twins out to play in the yard and ride their bikes. The older kids are at a teen library meeting and DH went to pick up a used Camero he just bought. He sold his truck because he said it was ugly and needed work. Since the Camero also needs work I can only assume that it is NOT ugly. After all, it's not like the truck was a FAMILY vehicle or anything. Think we will be using the Camero to go to church Sunday?
Stay warm where ever you are and have a blessed day, Beth Ann
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Here we go again
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, March 02, 2009
Menu Plan Monday

Sunday, March 01, 2009
You know you live in the south when . . .

Nothing to do about it except make some oatmeal and have another cup of coffee.
Blessings, Beth Ann