Yesterday was the twins actual birthday, well not until 10:36 and 10:38 p.m. respectively. I usually do dedication pages on my blog to commemorate my children's birthday and yesterday just slipped by. We ended up having an impromptu grill out last night with some friends - on top of an already crazy day. The time just slipped away. But when I was in bed I did my usual prayer time and thanked God for each and everyone of my blessings , a/k/a my children. I can not believe it has been 5 years since they burst into our lives, and that truly is the best way to describe the interruptions of our sedate life, and we have never looked back (no time to!).
Thier enthusiasm for life is so life afferming and makes ordinary events into a adventure. When you step back and look at them, you what that for yourself.
Each twin has their own style, they are their own person. This pic is so typical of my girl twin and really underscores her personality. She is so dramatic, but in a good princess diva way : ) She is larger than life and wants the spot light!
My boy twin, here with his big bro, is more quiet and intense. He has the temperment and concentration of a concert pianist. He is a very intens little man and takes most things to seriously. Not sure where he gets that from - LOL
I love you E & E I also want to thank God for giving me a gift on this day five years ago that I didn't even know I wanted or needed.