OK, so life got busy as soon as I said nothing new was happening here - LOL Friday was middle dd 13Th b-day. It was also a pay day, what a happy coincidence! Spent the morning going into the "city" to pick up last minute items and do my twice a year Hobby Lobby run. Well all the birthday run managed to do was remind me why I do the bulk of my gift buying online! Let's just say frustrating!!!! Hobby Lobby was a bit disappointing as well. I keep a running list of items I need, and they were out of half of them. Ended up driving over to Michael's (which I don't like as well) to get the rest of my fall/winter craft items. The only really cool thing I saw there were knitting and crocheting needles that lite up from within, for night knitting! I am thinking I NEED these = LOL They would be perfect for camping. Can't you just picture me sitting around the campfire, knitting in the dark with my light up needles? I also got a good deal on some eyelash yarn at HL. I got it on sale for 72 cents, reg. price $9.99. I KNOW. They had marked it down like four times and I guess now just wanted to get rid of it. I picked up a couple of skeins in two different colors. I started a cool blue/grey tweed eyelash scarf for myself (the horrors) this week-end. Maybe I will have it done when I come back from vacation at the end of the month, we leave in four days (still lots to do to get ready). Friday ended with hubby finely getting the plates on his Camero, and us once again being a two car house hold - hallelujah! To be fair it's a cool car, a '72 with T-tops.
Saturday was a circus! We had company the night before that stayed late, by my standards - LOL and seemed we were all dragging tail. DD was still celebrating her b-day, she had two girls spend Friday and Saturday night, so extra kids to entertain on top of my crew. I needed to grocery shop or we were all going to starve to death, and we all know there is nothing worse than cranky teenagers who are hungry! On the upside, we were blessed with a totally gorgeous day for our excursion. We took off for the pumpkin patch after lunch and made it in time for the two o'clock hayride and pumpkin picking wagon. After a very bumpy and allergy inducing ride, and after much contemplation, we all picked our pumpkins. In remembrance of Grandma S and Grandpa D, we made sure to grab a small extra pumpkin and blame it on Howard since Henry was with them ; )
Back at the pumpkin ranch, the kids played in the hay maze, corn maze, petting zoo, hay rolls, corn crib and fed the fish. Three hours later we headed home. While I showered off the 'nature", hubby went and got a bunch of pizza's. Company came over and we polished of a long, loud and hopefully for the birthday girl, happy birthday mega fest. It must have been to much week-end though, since one of the girls got up around 5 a.m. sick. I went to bed with a migraine and was soooooo not ready to get up at 5, but I did. I crawled back into bed around 6, after the girls dad picked her up, and hubby didn't get me up for church. I am not sure to be disappointed or happy that he is so thoughtful. He made me coffee, so I guess I will go with happy : )
I now have dinner in the crock pot, and most of my migraine is gone. I do however still have a houseful of kids, I know one left but another one showed up after lunch! I have been teaching myself how to pick up dropped stitches on the eyelash scarf I am knitting, with my new crochet needles. And . . . I just got my feed set up so that you can now follow this blog on Face Book. Not sure how I did that, but I did! So check out Beth Ann's blessings on FB, and don't miss a moment of the pandemonium we call life~
Blessings, Beth Ann