Thursday, January 04, 2007

Thursday - tactics for making it to the week end!

Greetings all! Well didn't sleep well last night, what is new.

My DH has sleep apnea, and it just keeps getting worse. It is to the point that I sleep much better without him. Not to mention he is a heat making machine, leaves sweat on his pillow in the dead of winter. LOL But I didn't get married to sleep alone, so I try to tough it out. I hope he will lose some weight with me and things will be better. We use to sleep all snuggled up together, and I miss that.

Well the clock on my blog is wrong and I can't fix it. I also can't figure out how to get pics on here, so bear with me please. I would love to share some shots of my beautiful family, just like all my friends do on thiers :)

It is 10:41 a.m. here in middle TN. and so fare I have surrvived the morning. Just finishing some unit projects with older kids, then will start school schedual full steam on Monday. Seems like I am always running around trying to finish something. My favorite time of day is when the twins nap. They are down to just one nap and it last usualy only an hour. But for that hour.......... That is when I try to get my reading for me done. I start with my bible, then what ever I am currently reading for recreation. Right now it is "Twas the bite before Christmas", by Lee Charles Kelly. It is the 5th in a series, but only the first I have read. I am not going to go out and read the rest if you catch my drift - LOL

Todays bible reading is Gen. 10-12 and tomorrows is 13-15

Dinner tonight is "camping chili w/baked potatoes" . That is my middle DD favorite bean recipe. She is a litteral child, litteraly. If it is called camping chili we eat it when we camp. It it were called Tuesday chili she would expect to eat it only on Tuesdays. Well we went camping to Gulf Shores AL last week and ended up not making it. So being the penny pincher I am, we are eating last weeks food this week so that I saved on the grocery bill last Sat. :) I like to make it while camping because it is easy to start then just leave while I am out at the beach or site seeing! I have added the recipe including the point values. Points are how us weight watcher people count our calories :)

Camping Chili -

1 can white beans
1 can red beans
1 can black beans
1 large jar salsa
1 1/2 pound ground meat (I use Morning Star Veggie Crumbles)

Drain beans. If using veg. crumbles don't thaw, just toss in crock pot. If using ground meat, brown first then drani and add to crock. So put all beans, meat and salsa in crockpot. Then add about 2 cups of your choice of stock. Heat on low for about 4 hours, or until heated through.

Makes 6 1c. servings. with meat 5pts., with veggie crumbles 4pts. If you garnish with cheese or sour cream make sure you add those points too.

Blessings for now and will try to let you know if I survived the afternoon. Beth Ann

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blog-o-sphere!


There's a wonderful new world out there...Sieze the web world, hon!!!!!!!