Happy early Valentines day everyone!
Well I put my two middle children on a plan for the first time yesterday, and sent them off to Las Vegas to spend a week with their grandparents. First time for many things: them flying, them flying by themselves, first time being to Nevada. So they are one up on their old Mom - LOL I have never flown or been to Nevada. It was a hard thing for me to do believe it or not. Many people think all parents can't wait to get rid of the children for any reason. That has never been the case for me. I am extremly close to all my children and never feel quiet "right" with them gone. Guess that is why we are so succesful with home schooling. They will only be gone for eight days, so yesterday at the airport wasn't as bad as when I say goodbye to my oldes knowing it will be at least 6 months before we see each other again.
Now if I had a dime for everyone who has said to me, "what are you going to do with all that free time since you won't be home schooling"... LOL I always remind them I still have 2-two year olds at home, what free time? My own DH asked me this and when I replied that I will probably just finish all the projects I never seem to have time for while doing school, he replied that it seemed such a shame ! He wanted me to do something fun and exciting for myself I guess. Many people don't understand that all my fun/exciting time is with my family! I guess that is why we are able to get along well enough to RV on a regular bases. I do however give myself me/quiet time (with DH help). This usualy includes going upstairs to my room, which is such a cozy haven with the small twinkle lights on my angle wreath, the warm walls my DH painted for me, my comfy glide rocker and stoole. I have coffee (since I am still looking for a nice tea set), read, stitch or just watch Rachael Ray or the News depending on the time of day. Just an hour up there can help me decompress and help me get through the afternoon/dinner rush. Thought those only happened at restaurants? Well in a household of 6 with the youngest being 2 year old twin tyrants... LOL Gets a little hectic and LOUD around here. Some days I can't even hear myself going quietly insane.
Speaking of DH, he is making me a special early Valentine dinner tonight since we will be at church tomorrow night - awwwwwwwww! He is so excited about this, just like a little kid or maybe when we first dated. With the big ones in NV, we will have the whole downstairs to ourselves while the twins are snuggled up cozy in the nursery upstairs. Could this mean dancing in my future?
We are still experiencing a valley in our life right now and still are in need of your prayers. DH is still looking for work, going on may interviews, but most people are waiting closer to spring to hire. We are also getting no unemployment yet, seems like his ex employer is fighting this, and still calling it a "suspension" . It has been almost a month now with no income coming in, and we have just about used up all our resources. Starting to look a little bleak now, but we know God will provide for us if we are faithful. I am determined to not act like Sarah in the book of Genisis, trying to help God along by jumping in to give husband my help when God already said he would provide. It would be the same as telling Him that I lack faith in Him and His promises.
Just keeping all updated and in our prayers.
Blessings, Beth Ann
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