Greetings fine friends and family.
Sorry it has been so long since I last updated. If truth be told, I have had some problems logging on here to update. Still not sure what I did differently this time!
Not much new and exciting around here. We are just trying to settle into a new routine with DH new job, and only being paid every two weeks. He did eventualy get the managment job at AutoZone, but at a slightly less amount of pay. And we are really noticing the difference! So we are all trying to adjust our belts and redo the budget. Not much room for extra's. I wish there was more I could do. With the twins only being 2 and our home schooling, I don't feel like I have time for much more. Still we can't complain. Our church and our friends helped us through the roughest part. God has always provided, and will continue to do so. We have never missed a meal, had the utilites turned off or been late on the house note. What more can we ask for? Still wish I could pare things down a bit more to give us some breathing room though. The house is MY "job", and sometimes I feel like I am doing it poorly when ends don't meet. But I have been here more times then not - LOL So am not too worried.
I went to the Doc yesterday, after a 6 month sabatical. Lets just say he was not to impressed with my b/p or my weight. He made me promise to not go off my b/p meds again and to work on my weight. He really wasn't even buying my plea of poverty as an acceptable excusse for my gain. So with a big sigh (pardon the pun) I am revisiting my weight watchers roots again. I talked to DH and he said he would try to do it with me. I know this will be a huge deal to him, so I truly value his support of his DW. He is more a low carb man, but I keep trying to tell him we can't even afford meat anymore! LOL So I will keep you posted. I go back to the Doc in 3 months.
We are all just getting over the spring time crud here, and my teenage son had shingles! So things can only get better :)
On a sadder note: My pastor has accepted a new post in Korea, he and his family are leaving in 2 weeks! We were close to them. Our children we close in age and we enjoyed camping with them. They were one of my staples of home school support. We can't even imagin what church will be like with them gone. My oldest DS is a little upset since he already lost his best friend two years ago when they moved back to Mexico. He is starting to feel a tad jinxed I do believe. But like most things in life, something new will enter when something old leaves. I pray for him and his faith. He is not your typical teenager, and in this I take more comfort then you can imagin. I know God has something special in store for him and the people he touch.
Blessings for now, Beth Ann
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