Well I have many more pictures to share with you of my trip, but I cant load the files. My friend took them on her digital camera and then burned them to disk. Well when I try to load them here at the blogger site, it tells me that the files are to large. I tried several things, obviously none worked. So if anyone has some ideas, feel free to share them.
A very dear dear lady, who was the secretary at our church for many years, has retired and is moving to Atlanta, Georgia. At church they roasted her and I didn't know what to say that someone else hadn't already said. Someone brought up Philippians. Now on looking back, I wish I had expounded on that theme. Miss H. Philippians 4:8 is for you ~ the whatever verse. Because you are the very embodiment of all the whatevers!
Miss. H gave the twins a play tent before she moved. Used to belong to her grandkids. We broke it out yesterday and you would have thought it was Christmas time here!

Here is other E camping in it.
Here is E & E playing with the ball toss that came with it. Thanks Miss H.!
The twins don't want to stop playing in this. There are tears when it is time to come in. Although there was laughing when the tent fell over on grandma S. during dinner last night. Then E boy went potty (we are about 3/4 of the way through potty training) and came back out and put his underwear in his dinner dish. Never a dull moment at our house. All this while ds came home from animal clinic and is asking to go to a flea convention! Don't know why, but this is the funniest thing I have ever heard. I just can't stop laughing every time I think about it. How DO they get those collars on those little fleas? Get it, flea collar ~ LOL
Blessings, Beth Ann
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