Just checking in real quick before church tonight, let you know that we are all doing fine. Only my dd and myself got sick, so all is back to normal at our house. That is assuming you are defining "normal" as something other then a setting on the washing machine.
Had a real hair raising experience yesterday. I am starting to look a bit like Medusa and am desperate for a hair cut. Called my lady and found out she no longer does hair!!!!!!!!!!! Any women reading this can sympathize I am sure. There is nothing worse than getting a hair dresser broke in, that means they do your hair the way YOU want - not the way THEY want, then they leave. I believe my oldest ds is more upset than me. Do you remember the old ZZ TOPP song, "Sharp dressed man"? That describes my son to a T. He dresses better than I do, has more jewelry than me and spends more time in the bathroom with his hair! He even complains that I never take him anywhere nice! LOL This amazes me since my oldest dd never really got into all the frills and stuff. Middle dd shows no interest either. Now youngest dd..... watch out! She is a frilly dress junkie looking for her next fix! At the age of 4 (a week from today) she will change cloths up to 3 times a day , if I don't stop here, as clean dresses and skirts come out of the dryer. Oldest ds will even take her in the bathroom (and tie it up more) and do her hair while she sits patiently. Cute to watch, bummer to live with. Guess I can live with it though, two out of five kids ain't bad - LOL Will keep you posted on the hair trauma.
Well off to water the garden and flowers then on to church!
Blessings, Beth Ann
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