I have decided to start a new Saturday segment about my counted cross-stitching. It is my most favorite hobby (until my eyes give out, I am already on bi-focals). With four kids still at home and home schooling, there is little time for this stress buster. As my twins, the youngest of the four, get older; I do find more time than I used to. I had finished a craft project for my oldest dd, but can't show it here. That is what inspired me to start this segment. I will show some of the items I kept for myself and are near and dear to my heart. I will give stitching tips, share links and new info - in general, I will just kibitz with you. Just pretend we are at your house sharing a cup of coffee!
The first piece I chose to share with you is a Christmas pillow I made last year. It is a cheery group of mittens hanging on a cloths line, proudly displaying a holiday message. I have wonderful memories of working on this as we traveled through Atlanta, GA on our way to South Carolina. I sat in my comfy camp chair and propped my feet up as I stitched in the early morning light as the sound of the Atlantic Ocean crashed behind me or as I sat near the fire glow as my DH grilled our dinner in the great out doors. Ok, now it sounds as if all I did was sit on my kiester during the trip - LOL Trust me - NOT!!! The point is every piece has a wonderful memory attached to it.

If you want to join me in stitching, I get the bulk of my supplies on-line at www.crosscountryshopping.com See you next Saturday!
Blessings, Beth Ann
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