Hey, ya'll ~ LOL Love living in the south! Another great day here. Start of a new week, which means new meals, menus and fitting it all in around our busy day. I keep thinking that with the kids getting older that they will be a little more independent with their school work, no. So that is why I basically have to count on easy-peasy lunch meals. I don't mind putting aside about an hour for dinner prep around five in the afternoon, but just don't have one extra minute at noon. So we rely on P.B. & J or cheese queso's for lunch, along with a few other easy faves. Toss in some carrot stixs and an apple, good to go as they say on the Taco Bell commercials. Dinner is more complex as I make everything from scratch. For example: last night we had sweet n' sour meatballs and I made the sauce from scratch. In general it's the prep (cutting, washing,chopping) that is the most time consuming. The actual putting it together and cooking rolls along fairly easy. This time issue use to zap me of my will to cook meals and make me want to beg for take out. After all, after chasing 4 kids, teaching same kids, laundry, cooking breakfast and lunch, not o mention Dr. appts. . . . . You get the idea. Who wants to spend an hour in the kitchen? I read a book called Hallelujah acres where it talked about this same situation. The author said she was able to get past this by realizing that God had blessed her hands to help her take good care of her family. I found this interesting and true. Still didn't motivate me. Two years later, I have read many more books in this same venue and about 3 months ago one finely got to me, motivated me - where it counts - the pocket book. I talk about Sue Gregg alot on here lately, but it's worth reiterating. I believe her books are full of good information with realistic expectations and ways to implement them. You don't need a $300 juicer or a $600 dehydrator, although those items are still beneficial if you have them. I checked out her book, "15 minute meals" at the library thinking I was getting a book with quick recipes in them - wrong - sort of. Point being, didn't even cost me a dime to read it! She is all about good nutritious food for the least amount of money. So yes, you will be eating more rice and lentils (won't kill you and is still very cheap) and just a small amount of meat to stretch it . I borrowed her book Main Dinner Meals from a friend, so still thrifty here, and is full of wonderful recipes and 5 different menu charts for everything for holidays to vegans. I really recommend her books or at least check out her site at www.suegregg.com
Here is a look at our menu this week:
Monday: Mexicali Burgers w/broccoli salad
Tuesday: Sausage and chicken gumbo (use up garden okra) w/tossed salad and french bread
Wednesday: Church/Mom's night off
Thursday: Chicken and fruit salad mold w/asparagus and wild rice pilaf
Friday: Crock Pot Lasagna w/salad and bread sticks
Saturday: Home made pizza w/fruit salad
Sunday: Salmon Quiche w/tomato cucumber salad (use up garden tomatoes)
To see more Menu plan Monday visit www.orgjunkie.com
Blessings, Beth Ann
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