I am a SAHM who loves God and the family He blessed me with. We live in middle TN. but are from northern MI. My oldest dd still lives there and gave my my first grandbaby five years ago, Jack - Jack, number two~ baby Hunter is one! I home school my 3 children,16, and 8year old twins. I just graduated my 19 son. So I guess SAHM is a bit misleading - LOL
Monday, June 29, 2009
Good golly, gourds!

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Early ending

Friday, June 26, 2009
still here

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Beautiful Bean Booty

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Still waiting . . .

Here is a black and white cell phone self portrait - love the fedora, crazy man, crazy
Stay tuned for a new photo with his hair cut and for family pic's with big sister K! Sorry I got your hopes up, just no current pic's now.
It has also been brought to my attention that I have as of yet not posted any pictures of our new feline addition. If you remember we agreed to take on this cat because she is paralyzed from the waist down. The vet knew we had experience with that because of my mini doxin. Her name is Bubbles and she is amazing. She can drag herself around the house using her front legs, at about 60 miles an hour! She can also pull herself up on any piece of furniture with her front paws, which one has six toes and the other seven! I think we need a ramp before all my furniture is shredded - LOL We have to take her outside to express her (pee) like we used to with Howard, the doxie. Howard is almost back to normal, 3 years latter, but still has some bad days and needs pain pills occasionally (don't we all). Howard even was able to scratch his neck for the first time in 3 years, last week (as best as a mini dog can : ) ! But the prognosis for Bubbles doesn't seem so cheery. We have been crating her in Howard's old pen and do see some slight improvement with that. Guess her future has yet to cast in stone .
Here is Bubbles, hard to tell from this pic but she is a gray tabby

This is a classic Bubble pose, she is always demanding something! She actually quiet the Diva for someone who needs so much help - LOL
Well maybe I will spend the day taking more pic's of cats and kids with hair cuts. What else am I going to do while waiting for my daughter? Ok, well maybe I'll take the pic's after I get out the pool. Been hotter than Hades down here for past week or so. Will keep you posted.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Life is a Yurt
yurt [yurt](plural yurts) n Asian tent:
a collapsible circular tent of skins stretched over a pole frame, originally used by Central Asian nomadic peoples and now used more widely
[Late 18th century. Via Russian yurta from, ultimately, Turkic jurt .]Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
This past Sunday we went to a cook-out at one of our church members . . . homes? Yard? Mountain? Yurt? Yea, yurt. Several families went. Despite being invited before, this was still our first time. Interesting. Why does our British friend live in a yurt on the side of a mountain? Well he is used to it and loves it. In his youth he traveled all over Britain, Africa,and Europe giving land tours and that is how they lived.
The fellowship was good and the children had a blast. When asked their favorite part of the picnic however I was surprised to hear 'chips'. I thought for sure it would be horses. Some friends from down the lane brought their horses over and gave the kids rides. All the kids enjoyed it, especially our youngest twin daughter. However despite now declaring himself a "cowboy", I guess our twin son enjoyed the "chips" more, an almost forbidden food at our house - LOL

Here is our host . . .

Here is our cowboy, with the Yurt behind him

Here is twin daughter on like her third ride : )

Saturday, June 13, 2009

That in a nut shell is Joe. His other favorite activities are: sleeping until approx 4 a.m. and then wanting to play. He will jump up on your chest/shoulder, depending on how you sleep, and patting your face until you wake up. He is also an avid bird hunter and has started an outreach program for other inner city cats, teaching them how to catch birds. Joe has brought home everything from a hummer (bad Joe) to a starling (good Joe) and leaves them (well their feathers) on our door mat. Apparently this is not a sign of the feline Mafia (ala Godfather and horse heads) but a sign that he like us; really, really likes us - according to my husband. So we take Joe with the good and the bad, since he babysits our narcoleptic cat who is younger and stupid, we appreciate him just the way he is.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Friday, June 12, 2009
Random smiles

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Friday, June 05, 2009
Feeling blessed

Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Nut Shell
Back in February my son became deathly ill. He was first diagnosed with tonsillitis and then mono. Then anything that could go wrong did, including the release of some nasty secondary infections when the puss bag (the size of a fist) was removed from behind his tonsills via emergency surgery. Basically his immune system was compromised and then essential wiped out when he had his blood transfusions, due to bleeding out. He is now totally recovered from the surgery, yea! And doing better everyday with his chronic pains that he developed due to the Barr Epstein Virus (mono).
This is what we have learned by doing our own research and trials. More than likely DS was boarder line hypoglycemic to begin with, then due to the illness the situation became life and death - litterly. Then with no immune system, his body was no longer able to fight off four very common food allergies. Every time he ate these foods, and they are in everything, he would experience chronic pain. So with the use of an elimination and rotation diet we have discovered what food allergies he has and what to avoid. He has a yeast allergy (common with hypoglycemia), which also means no fermented food such as vinegar and anything containing vinegar - i.e. ketchup, mayo, ect.
He also has a wheat allergy, so we follow a gluten -free diet, he does well with brown rice products, and cashew or white bean substitutions.
He also has a dairy allergy, so no casein. Again, we use rice milk in very small quantise.
Lastly, he is not to have sugar in any way shape or form, including honey or aspartame - even splenda. Only stevia.
Ice water and caffeine free herb tea are the only safe beverages.
We are all adjusting. Some days are better than others and yes he trys to get food he isn't suppose to have - he's a teen! LOL But he is also learning there is a price to pay later if he eats the sugar/allergy food of your choice here now. Guess that is part of growing up.
Hope this helps and don't hesitate if more questions accrue.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, June 01, 2009
Menu Plan Monday ~ June 1st. edtion

Monday: B~Hot Oat bran cereal
L~ Bean soup made with leftovers from "Low Country Boil", so more of a chowder really : )
D~ Home made pizza (with spelt crust and non-dairy cheese) w/salad and watermelon
Tuesday: B~ Faux cheez Frittata
L~ Turkey noodle soup, sweet potato salad and rhubarb crunch
D~ Dressing Casserole, steamed cauliflower and cantaloupe
Wednesday: B~ Buckwheat pancakes w/home made maple syrup replacement
L~ Chicken casserole w/veggie sticks and carob cupcakes
D~ Leftovers so far from the week : ) and bible study
Thursday: B~ Cream of rice hot cereal and organic raspberries
L~ Cabbage soup w/home made barley crackers and zucchini bread
D~ Rice w/ salmon gravy and quick drop biscuits and green beans
Friday: B~ Oatmeal w/dried cranberries
L~ chicken fingers and grapes
D~ Beef and vegetable filled meat loaf w/baked potatoes and steamed veggies
Saturday: B~ Blueberry muffins w/bananas
L~ Cheez sandwiches and tangerines
D~ Turkey salad w/steamed asparagus and bread machine rolls
Sunday: B~ Granola w/blackberries
L~ Tuna salad and crispy potato wedges
D~ Chicken and dumplings w/salad and blueberry pie in a spelt crust
For more menu plan Monday visit www.orgjunkie.com
Let me know if you have any questions about our menu,
Blessings, Beth Ann
Random info ~