Random smiles
I just thought I would share these random pictures that make me smile with you. I swear they look better on the phone when I take them then they do here, sorry, but I think you get the idea.
Money has been tight, but I splurged on a table cloth for the back deck. This is our most favorite spot to spend time. I can sit at this table and do anything from eat breakfast or work on shopping list and still see the kids. To the left is our pool, connected to same deck, and to the back is our yard with a ginormous play set. I love having a screened in deck, we even do our school work out there and have been known to sit through the remnants of hurricanes as they pass by as well. So I thought my little oasis deserved a face lift : )
Here is the same back deck, with a view to the back yard and the play area. Here is the twins play kitchen, complete with a rug in front of the oven like mom's : ) We had this stored in the basement over the winter but brought it up and cleaned it up with the anticipation of my grand kids coming to visit. Best thing is that when you do that, the kids feel like it's a brand new toy since they haven't seen it in 6 months! LOL
Finely, here is a picture of our oldest cat = Pumpkin. We don't talk much about her, she is just quiet and old. But thought this was a great pic of her on one of the sofa pillows that someone left in Grandma S's rocking recliner. S gave it us two years ago, but it will always be hers. Pumpkin always wished she belonged to S, so I think she knows who's chair it is! So Grandma S, this pic is for you! Even though your in Vegas, your not forgotten! : )
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