Another busy week here in middle Tennessee has come to an end. Spent the tail end of it working on VBS materials. Tomorrow we decorate the church and Monday we all board the "BOOMERANG EXPRESS"! I don't know who is more excited, Pastor or I! I kinda got roped into this but am now amped. I just know the kids are going to love this and it will be a nice break from the end of summer blues. Well not the end, end, but public school starts down here Aug. 11th! At my house it will be closer to the end of Aug. I might even be a rebel and wait to after Labor day! LOL That too however will be total mayhem with one high school, an 8th grader and the twins starting K. Well, I wouldn't know I was home if it were any other way : )Well here are a few more pictures to share from my oldest daughter's visit. And thank you for all the prayers and well wishes for her husband, he is home and doing well.
Here is K with her little man, my grandson - sigh - love this pic.
Here is K and grandson at our pool, he loved it! Twin daughter is swimming over to meet them.
Here is middle daughter pushing her nephew in the pool.
Here oldest daughter is hamming it up in the pool ; )
L-O-V-E this pic! This is what happens when your 2 years old, played all day in the pool, are over tired and no one will listen to you, you fall asleep in your pack n' play! LOL
In other breaking news, garden has grown out of it's confines and middle daughter got her braces off last Tuesday. Hope to have pic's of both to post soon.
Blessings, Beth Ann
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