Today has been a pretty good day and I just wanted to share it. My husband doesn't get many Sundays off (goes to work right after church) but today was one of them. Church in it's self was nice. Today is the first Sunday of Advent and our family was asked to read the scripture and light the candle, the candle of HOPE.
After church our two oldest kids went with a friend up to her house to give a hand and hubby took me and the twins out to lunch, so sweet : ) Then we all went over to the flea market, don't think I've been there in like six months. I tell you what though, the best time to make a deal at the flea market is late in the afternoon on a Sunday! LOL No huge finds or deals, but did enjoy the 'treasure hunt' as we told the twins. I did pick up a box of vintage blue Christmas tree ornaments for $1, 11 still in the box and none broke. They will look great on my sons tree, he received a white one last year as a gift. Feel so blessed for days like these, and the weather wasn't half bad either, almost 70 today.
Well I think we will put the tree up tonight and get at least the lights on it, the new LED lights that Clark Griswold, I mean my son, is coveting - LOL When he saw them he said our lights are 'pimping'. I am assuming that's a good thing? Anyway, yes we are now calling Z, Clark = as in 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation'. He has been very manic this year with putting up outdoor lights, just like Clark. Only thing standing in his way is money, or should I say our money and our lack of it. He did confess that he could easily spend an entire pay check on nothing but outdoor lights, and would that be bad? To be honest I too struggled with that answer. After all isn't it more fun to buy light up reindeer and inflatable toy soldiers than pay the sewer bill?
Blessings, Beth Ann
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