I am still battling the crud, but am up a moving (somewhat). I haven't done a menu plan recently and felt the need as we are still buckling down on our food. We are still following the leptin diet and after reading just about every chronic illness dietary book out there, it seems to follow similar guidelines. We will make some small modifications for my big sons food allergies. It seems to be working well for us, even middle dd has lost about 30 pounds.

We watched this movie from Netflix, over this past week-end and had the older children watch it as well. It is based on the best selling and prize winning book 'Fast food Nation' by Eric Strussel. Basically it's a documentary about where our food comes from and the politics be hind it, a MUST see!
With that said, I am glad to see that Kroger's has Laura's Lean ground beef on sale this week! LOL Here is a look at this weeks menu:
Monday: Crock pot turkey Thia meat loaf w/ green beans
Tuesday: Spinach & beef noodle free lasagna
Wednesday: Mexican beef stew
Thursday: Chicken asparagus stir fry
Friday: Beef Chop Suey
Saturday: Crock pot rotisserie chicken w/Brussels sprouts
Sunday: Happy Easter! (and I don't have a clue, what do you think of stuffed cabbage?)
Whats for dinner at your home this week? For more menu plan Monday visit www.orgjunkie.com
Blessings, Beth Ann
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