Good Monday morning all : ) It was a warm and sunny week-end here in middle TN. Hope everyone had a great time. Here is a look at my lo-carb/allergy free menu this week:
Monday: Good Shepard's Pie (made with ground lamb -marked down after Easter- and whipped cauliflower instead of potatoes)
Tuesday: Chicken and artichoke skillet casserole
Wednesday: Shrimp Pad Thai (made with spaghetti squash instead of noodles)
Thursday: Crock Pot Rotisserie chicken w/ mixed green beans
Friday: Beef and Pineapple kabobs w/brown rice and mixed veggies
Saturday: Curried Turkey meatloaf w/broccoli
Sunday: Jambalaya (made with turkey sausage)
Whats for dinner at your home this week? For more MPM visit
I also wanted to share a couple of great kitchen news items with you today. As most everyone knows by now, we are getting pretty picky about w
hat food we buy due to oldest son Fibro and food allergies. Also, ever since we watched Food,INC there has been no looking back and no compromising on food quality. So to be able to afford any of this I always shop my Kroger (only store in a 50 mile radius that cares healthy items) at 8:30 a.m. every Friday morning, that is when they mark down all (and I do mean all) perishables. Kroger has had Laura's lean ground beef on special all this month, so I have been stocking up on it all month. This past Friday we hit the jackpot, they were marking down the already on sale Laura's! So we took all they had for only $1.49 a lb. : )

I want to share this cool gizmo with you too, some of you probably already have this; an oil mister. I ordered mine from and it was on back order forever. Anyway, I had stopped buy pan spray (for many reasons) a
nd was using my olive oil or butter for greasing everything. I found putting the oil in a dish and using a basting brush was best, but this is better! I buy the jumbo olive oil in a can at Kroger, so I now keep a smaller pour bottle filled and now my mister filled from it. It is great for a quick spray on a baking pan, casserole dish or even cheese under the broiler : ) You just pump it up and let the pressure do the work. This I learned the hard way as it wasn't printed on the box and I thought it had arrived broken at first. Once you figure it out though . . . This kitchen gadget rocks!

Blessings, Beth Ann
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