Well we are back . . . sitting here still feeling dazed, confused and fuzzy ; ) Maybe I need more coffee? Had a great time, but as soon as we got home I felt exhausted. I believe it was from being so stinking nice to everyone (I'm not use to it). The weather was great, warm enough to swim the first two days but a little cooler the second two days. Didn't matter as the kids got sunburned the second day and lost interest in being in the sun. All days were bright and sunny though. A nice change from all the flooding we had. The area we camped in had major flooding, but the campground it self was fine. The lake was a bit muddy and the fishing wasn't good though : (
Well I believe we didn't do to bad eating on our trip, but oldest son who stayed home because of work . . . well let's just say he made some poor eating choices. He got paid while we were gone, do I need to say more? I guess these are the life lessons he needs to learn for him self.
Here is a look at what we are eating this week, low-carb and leptin diet :
Monday: Spaghetti w/meat sauce and green beans (brown rice pasta)
Tuesday: Stuffed stop light peppers - beef (from last week, didn't make)
Wednesday: Creamy chicken stroganoff w/ broccoli
Thursday: Meatza w/veggie sticks (pizza w/no crust - ground beef w/toppings)
Friday: Crock pot BBQ chicken w/brussel sprouts
Saturday: Salmon patties w/green beans
Sunday: Stuffed chicken breast w/ broccoli
For more MPM visit www.orgjunkie.com Whats for dinner at your home this week?
Blessings, Beth Ann
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