Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Whats new

Well it  was a busy week - end here for us.  Hubby had the week - end off (only happens like once every three  months), but we didn't see much of each other on Sat.  I went out of town with a friend, to visit another friend - gotta love that.  While I was gone I finished two, count them, two knitting projects.  Hubby stayed home with the twins (older kids have a life), and took them to Ace Hardware for lunch.  Yea, only a man thing.  They were having their customer appreciation day, freewas a very long hot dogs, chips and soda.  So yea, the kids had a balanced meal. : )  While there he entered for the door prize.  He won!   I got a set of nesting baskets - double : ) : )

Here is a nice pair of boulce' wrist warmers I made for a friend.  Now everyone wants a pair - LOL

Better shot of the thumb holes.  And a big thanks to my middle dd for modeling : )

Here is same dd cat, Tina.  She still is narcoleptic.

Here is the door prize hubby won from Ace.

                                                  They nest, aren't they cute?  LOL

I also wanted to take a minute to thank God for his mercy and blessings.  We were having a tough week here financially and spiritually.  I spent much time petitioning God over the week -end for some answers and the wisdom to see His will.  I will just say that it happened and I am once again blown away.  He lead us to his will in many areas that we were waffling on and once again HE provided DH with a side job to help us make it another week.  We are not eating steak every night, wearing designer cloths or even getting all our bills paid on time.  But we have never missed a meal, still have a roof over our head and the love of our family and friends and the one true God.  Please read Matthew 6: 19-34 and give God all the glory.

Blessings, Beth Ann

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