Sunday, August 01, 2010

Life cycles

Sorry I haven't blogged much this past week.  We have been dealing with summer colds here, and still working on school.  I have been organizing cooking jobs as well.  I am doing some cooking for friends and church.  Not much to get excited about, but enough to help us eat proper food and not boxed mac & cheese.

We are growning butterflies from larva in home school, very exciting.   

They come in this cute little cup with peep holes : )
If you look at the top of the lid you can see the 5 caterpillars hanging upside down, making chrysalises.
And there they are in there habitat.

Here is a close up of the 5 chrysalis after they were placed in their butterfly habitat.
Speaking of life cycles, here is oldest son and his pal, little Gabe.

I know, the kid is huge and a full year younger than Z, but he will always be 'little' to me.  I use to babysit him and his sister for about 4 years, until they moved back to Mexico.  I cried so hard the day they left, it was like one of mine was leaving.  Selena was only 4 when I started watching her, and Gabe was sitting on our front porch with his dog, they day we pulled up with our U--Haul to move in.  They lived 5 houses down the street from us and even attended the same church.  We became family.  Their mom left and the oldest sister died.  We shared it all.  I am so grateful they sill come to visit about once a year, and that 'little' Gabe doesn't get to 'big' for a hug!

Blessings, Beth Ann

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