Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday happenings

I know it's been a few days since I blogged, but blessedly there really hasn't been much going on here.  I have been cooking, cleaning and knitting on a commission piece.  Hubby has been doing the Zone thing and some car jobs, praise the LORD!  Those extra jobs ALWAYS come just when we need them most, the way God planned I imagine : )  The kids have been, well kids - LOL  The twins are pretty wound up about the holidays and even the older kids have been spotted shaking a few packages.  The weather has been the big scene stealer.  We had an Indian summer, right through Thanksgiving.  It was wonderful to enjoy our holiday on the deck in bright sunny weather.  Then bang!  Next thing you know the furnace is on!  We even had three snow days for our public school system here.  There is only one plow in our county and that doesn't help with the ice in the hallows.  Don't fear though, we still had school here!  LOL   Other big news is that as of yesterday, two weeks until the end of the year, we met the deductible on our pharmacy insurance and I got my pills for free!  Yea baby, that's what I'm talking about - LOL  Better late than never I guess : )

This one of our most cherished ornaments.  We picked it up on Edisto Island, South Carolina.

We went Christmas caroling with our church last night.  Good times were had by all.  It was very icy and I almost fell, but son and hubby saved me.  I have great guys and am very blessed.  A friend took this family pic of us after at the coffee & cocoa portion of the evening.  I wonder if I can get these into cards in time for Christmas?

This is another favorite ornament.  I made it the center of a wreath I made for our front door.  Sh .......

Blessings, Beth Ann

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