Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy President's Day!

I know I am a bit early with my glad tidings, but our home school group decided to tackle this early.  I am proud to say that after much prayer and effort that our county is just now in the processes of uniting a new group of home school families and this was our first function.  It was a huge success!   There was plenty of food, friends, fellowship and kids!  LOL I am proud to say our church sponsored this worthy group and we were blesses with an absolutely gorgeous day! (all the better to send the kids out to play in)

Z didn't do a presentation, but he was in charge of video and sound, something he does for the church on Sundays already.  B did do a pres. and she picked Teddy Roosevelt.  Dig her board and the use of all my metallic blue paint on her flag!  Guess it add panach'.

She was a bit nervous getting up in front of a large, mostly unknown group, but I told her we had paid $5K for her smile . . . so . . .  Once she was up there it was fine and she did a great job on her research.  Also good experience for public speaking.

Twin son E didn't get the whole big deal, and twin daughter E just wanted to make a pretty flag like her big sister : )   Oh to be six again with no pressure to be in the know politically.

Here is the flag I helped E make, she picked the stick out herself.  When she saw people were going up front to give little presentations she wasn't sure she was in to that, but when the mic came out . . . LOL  Anyone who knows E, knows that she has never met a mic she didn't like!  Matter of fact, she received a stage mic complete with flashing strobe light and clapping sound for Christmas and a matching guitar.  She was also a smash the Sunday before, at the super bowl party.  The kids did some karaoke, and once E got a hold of the mic that was it. 

There was lots of good eats as well.  Most brought cookies and desserts.  I didn't want to go that route and wanted something more high protein, lo-carb/healthy.  I came up with these tasty little kabobs.

These are pepperoni, string cheese and bologna.

Then I mad a dessert kabob:

These are seedless green grapes, mini marshmallows and cantaloupe.

They were a huge hit and not one was left, much to my husbands disappointment.  I think I only ate one of each, for a taste test : )

Next month we are having an ice cream social and there will be more photo's.
Blessings, Beth Ann

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