Saturday, June 25, 2011

Big day out pics:

Yesterday was a big day out with the fam.  I only shop twice a month and try not to take the kids with me, they always want something : )  Anyway, we sucked it up and headed out.  The twins were surprisingly well behaved and we had a good time. Here are some pics, and thoughtful insights, all in random order since I don't feel like wrestling with the computer over the order the pic's were downloaded in.

Here are the little darlings in the back seat, while we wait at Little Ceasers for our Hot and Now pizza.  The were so good we thought they deserved a treat for lunch.

Here is my new electric grill, notice the red color - LOL  Yes, matches all the other red appliances in my kitchen and is taking the place of my beautiful red microwave (RIP).  I have been microwave free now for two months, thank you very much!  My old grill was a Hamilton Beech and I loved it, but a cat pushed it off the counter one to many times (Pumpkin, RIP) and it is now scrap metal.  This one isn't quit as nice, but it was a good price and did I mention it was red?

This is Chester/A.K.A. Pester.  Yes, he is asleep!  Yes, this cat is crazy!

Finely, here is dear old dad reading yet another book to the twins.  Does life get any better than this?  Nah, it doesn't.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Friday, June 24, 2011

Crafts and Booty

The rain has stopped here in middle TN. and it is another beautiful sunny day and around 90.  Today was our bi-monthly trip into the 'boro, to get what ever we can not find in our 'bury.  We took the whole family, always an exciting feat.  This trip was special as we included Hobby Lobby.  For those who aren't familiar, Hobby Lobby is a Christian based retail store that specializes in home decor and all manner of craft items.  And yes, they are closed Sunday : )  Daughter B needed some items for her home ec. class and since we were there I thought I would pick up some yarn.  Get started on some Christmas knitting.

Here is some of the booty.  The big solid colors will be used in conjunction with my novelty yarn for hats and bags.

Here is a close up of some Alpaca yarn I picked up in camo colors.  I will make my son in-law and 2 grandsons matching hats for Christmas in the traditional green camo.  My daughter will get the purple camo and her two step-daughters will receive natural color camo hats.  I wish you could feel how soft this is!  I don't think she typically reads my blog, and if she did I am sure she is so busy with the kids she will forget this before Dec.  I should be safe posting this : )

Here is yet another hat I have finished for my stock pile.  For every two I knit, I end up giving one away as a gift.  So no, I am not getting very far but would rather give them away to people I love anyway.

Here is the bag I knitted during VBS last week.  I took the time to line this one, and it turned out wonderful!  I don't think I can give it away!  Oh, and a big hand to my model and twin son E!

I even took the time and expense to add one of my fancy name labels to the bag, ooooohhhhh -aaaaaaaahhhhhh. LOL

Thanks for taking this time to share some of my blessings with me, Beth Ann

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Flower Power

We have been blessed with much sunny weather and enough pop up thunder storms to make for a wonderful garden this year.  I will give full credit to my hubby for all his hard work and time into our veggie garden, all 3 plots, but I take pride in the flowers : )  I will will post pic's of the garden soon, as things are just now coming into blossom.  Soon there will be fresh lettuce!  But for now here are some snap shots of my babies.

We always seem to have more than our fair share of volunteer sunflowers, but every year my daughter Bre and I like to pick a specialty breed from our 'Burpee' catalog, and plant them to perk up the shrubs.  This year it was 'coconut ice'.   They are much paler than the volunteers from the bird feeder.

Here is our mail box and all the cone flowers I planted last year.  We started with six flowers, look how many came back this year!

They are just so . . . cony - LOL  I Love the cone shape : )

As you can see, the bee's love them too, and you know that if the bee's are in my flowers they are not far from my veggie blossoms ; )  Can we say pollination.

Last year we saw mostly the white flowers, this year there is a wonderful mix of carnival colors.

And here are the volunteers under my kitchen window.  See how tall, almost to the hummingbird feeder!

On a beautiful sunny day, and looking at all these amazing flowers, there is no doubt that God is awesome!  Blessings, Beth Ann

Thursday, June 09, 2011


Greetings all.  Time seems to be flying and summer is in full swing.  The kids all seem to be experiencing growing pains and I am having a hard time with change.  Z is now a high school graduate, has a car, job and is soon moving out on his own.  B is finishing up her freshman year of high school and just brought home some kid claiming he is her boyfriend!  Come fall we will be moving the twins out of the nursery and into SEPARATE rooms!  Yikes, what happened to my babies?  There is no going back and I am about tore up trying to move forward.  No one ever told me that loving my kids would hurt like this.  I sob inconsolably when I am forced to leave my oldest after a visit, but I guess that I thought it was some weird anomaly.  Guess not.  The only constant is my knitting.  I have been knitting hats like there is a demon after me (maybe my own personal one).  I love to give them away as gifts, as my friends can attest - LOL  Pretty soon all my friends will be sporting very dapper 'chapoues'.  LOL 

Blessings, Beth Ann