We have been blessed with much sunny weather and enough pop up thunder storms to make for a wonderful garden this year. I will give full credit to my hubby for all his hard work and time into our veggie garden, all 3 plots, but I take pride in the flowers : ) I will will post pic's of the garden soon, as things are just now coming into blossom. Soon there will be fresh lettuce! But for now here are some snap shots of my babies.
We always seem to have more than our fair share of volunteer sunflowers, but every year my daughter Bre and I like to pick a specialty breed from our 'Burpee' catalog, and plant them to perk up the shrubs. This year it was 'coconut ice'. They are much paler than the volunteers from the bird feeder.
Here is our mail box and all the cone flowers I planted last year. We started with six flowers, look how many came back this year!
They are just so . . . cony - LOL I Love the cone shape : )
As you can see, the bee's love them too, and you know that if the bee's are in my flowers they are not far from my veggie blossoms ; ) Can we say pollination.
Last year we saw mostly the white flowers, this year there is a wonderful mix of carnival colors.
And here are the volunteers under my kitchen window. See how tall, almost to the hummingbird feeder!
On a beautiful sunny day, and looking at all these amazing flowers, there is no doubt that God is awesome! Blessings, Beth Ann
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