Today was the second annual Halloween pet costume parade at the local animal clinic, where my oldest son just happens to work : ) The kids were so excited, they had such a good time last year and they had a good time this year as well. Twice as many folks showed up, word must be getting out : ) We didn't win but every kid got a candy bag and every pet got a goody bag, what more can you ask for on such a pretty fall day?
Here are the twins, Eli went as a pirate and took Howard with him and Ely is a cat (black and white like her cat at home) but her cat couldn't be caught in time to go : (
Here is Howard the Pirate dog, his shirt says 'Shiver me timbers and rub me belly'. LOL
Bre took Hobb the ferret and they both were dressed up like hippies. I was surprised they didn't place at all.
Well that was the first of many Halloween festivities this week-end. With Monday being the actual day, it seems like all week-end is one long Halloween party! Next, heading over to the Church of Christ for Trunk or Treating. Good times, good times.
Blessings, Beth Ann