I'm back and I intend to do better with blogging. It was a long HOT summer with not to much going on. A few things were too personal to share, but you know how it goes : ) My oldest son (18) graduated and is now working full time at the animal clinic. He just bought a new car and is saving money for school. The twins are 7 1/2 and will start 2nd. grade the first of the year. My middle dd just started 10th grade and turned 15 yesterday! Oh, and during my hiatus my oldest dd turned 27! This is getting sticky since I am only 29 LOL I also want to send a shout out to my mom who is 'mmmmm' today! LOL Happy Birthday mom : )
Here is the birthday girl. We took all our kids and there friends roller skating Sat. Sssssh. Don't tell anyone we had 9 in the car and only 7 seat belts!
Here is B with little sis E right behind her. Sorry so blurry, but these kids were moving LOL
Son E was not enamoured of this but let big bro Z take him around a few times.
It was a great day and the kids had a wonderful time. It was the first time the twins had ever been on skates, but it won't be the last according to them : )
The fun didn't stop there. Back to our house for pizza, cake and ice cream (choc. chip cookie dough). Then one of the ladies from church took the older girls out to the movies. They saw the new christian movie, 'Couragous'. Then they hit Sonic on the way home for milk shakes. B said it was an excellent movie and an excellent birthday.
Blessings, Beth Ann
1 comment:
That is not Bre... Bre was a child the last time I saw here. This photo is of a young woman! So pretty!
Did she just grow up overnight? or am I crazy? Ok, scratch that. I know I'm crazy, but seriously, did she grow up overnight?
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