Monday, November 07, 2011

A day in the life of Oliver the cat ~

I have mentioned our newest rescue cat, Oliver, several times.  He has settled in and is currently un-injured and gaining weight.  I believe his middle name is trouble but like any other cat, does spend 20 hours a day sleeping.  Here is a glimpse of his daily schedule:

9 a.m. = morning nap in Miss Beth's craft basket

11 a.m. = mid-morning nap in the craft basket

2 p.m. = nap in the craft basket, but take time to stretch and use window sill as pillow

4 p.m. = take a break to play video games

7 p.m. = waiting in the craft basket for someone to go to bed so he can join them!  LOL

All of God's creatures are a blessing, including cats.  Beth Ann

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