I am a SAHM who loves God and the family He blessed me with. We live in middle TN. but are from northern MI. My oldest dd still lives there and gave my my first grandbaby five years ago, Jack - Jack, number two~ baby Hunter is one! I home school my 3 children,16, and 8year old twins. I just graduated my 19 son. So I guess SAHM is a bit misleading - LOL
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Dinner this week
Here at our home stead I always plan ahead, at least every two weeks as that is how we shop. I really enjoy shopping only twice a month, but sometimes I don't feel like cooking, like this week, and we have to slap stuff together. This past 3-4 days four of the six of us have come down with a cough/cold thing and mom feels to yucky to cook. So when shopping make sure you always have enough stuff on had to slap together . . . grilled cheese, french bread pizza, quesadillas, pancakes ~ you get the idea. Hoping to feel better soon and feel like cooking again, the kids hope so too ~ LOL With that, here is whats for dinner at our house this week:
Saturday: French Bread Pizza w/salad and pound cake
Sunday: Corn Chowder w/ garlic bread
Monday: Vegetable paprika w/salad
Tuesday: Blue coleslaw w/Salisbury steak & baked potato
Wednesday: Chicken Burritos w/salad ( still having bible study but cooks taking the summer off )
Thursday: Sesame chicken wings w/ South African yellow rice & steamed cabbage and carrots ( rice is a project for middle dd history unit study on Africa)
Friday: Chicken Alfredo w/steamed broccoli and garlic bread stixs
Whats for dinner at your house?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Twins 4th birthday

Monday, May 26, 2008
The Meme thing
What were you doing 5 years ago? I had just gotten remarried 4 weeks earlier, and returned from our honeymoon in the Smokey Mt's.
What are 5 things (that were) on your to-do list for today? Hmmm lets see, taking it easy today. Laundry,clean up after twins b-day party yesterday, work on oldest dd gift, work in garden, make dinner.
What are 5 snacks you enjoy? Hummus w/wheat crackers, salsa and tortilla chips, hot buttered popcorn, extreme tots from Sonic, and .... hmmm chocolate in any shape or form~ LOL
What 5 things would you do if you were a billionaire? Buy an ocean front home on Edisto Island. Establish college funds for all 5 children and my grandson. Go full time in our RV. Establish scholarships for home schoolers. Give to God through several different venues.
What are 5 of your bad habits? Saying whats on my mind, before editing. Poor self discipline. Worrying. Sarcasm. Thin skinned.
What are 5 places you have lived? I have only lived three places my entire life.. Gaylord MI, Mesick MI and now in middle TN.
What are 5 jobs you have had? Book keeper at bank, nurse aid, Deli worker, Bulk Food manager and radio D.J.
What 5 people do you want to tag? The mad Cuisineart, Hansen Hootenanny, No place like home, Felicia's life happens and D's weight loss journey.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Menu for Memorial Day and rest of week

Friday, May 23, 2008
Happy Friday
Sitting here with a cup of coffee, listening to the rain dance on the pool. Hoping it will be warm enough to swim soon. House is quiet, DH at work and two oldest children are spending the night at Grandpa D and Grandma S. They are going to help refinish the deck tomorrow if the weather allows. Twins are watching a little PBS/Curious George, their favorite. This all leaves me some quiet time to reflect.
I am meditating on our Wed. night ladies bible study class. I really enjoy the fellowship, catching up with the others and sometimes something we study will stick with me more than others. This past Wed. we were more jovial than usual and a tad boisterous. I had been ask the ladies to pray with me on some personal issues. In a nut shell, forgiveness. I have come to realize that I can't wait for others to take responsibility for their continues actions of hurtfulness, but I must forgive and let it go. Anyway, our faithful leader came across this bible verse, and I have had it running through my head the rest of the week.
Matthew 5:44 ~" But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!"
(Life Application Study Bible)
My study notes include these insights ~ According to Jesus, it is more important to give justice and mercy that to receive it. By telling us not to retaliate, Jesus keeps us from taking the laws into our own hands. By loving and praying for our enemies, we can overcome evil with good.
So, that is where I am. I am lifting up in prayer several times a day the people who are unjust with me. I can already feel a sense of lightened as I trasfer this burden over to Jesus, as I should have done in the first place. Isn't it wonderful when your reading something and it seems as if the very page/verse were written just for you on that very day? Not only does God know every hair on our heads and whats in our hearts, but he knows when we are ready to hear His word on our troubles.
Blessings. Beth Ann
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hanging in there

Monday, May 19, 2008
Well it's a new week and DH has the day off. So he is fixing toilet as we speak. He also sold some car parts, so we won't get our utilities shut off this month. So it looks like things are starting to look up. Now, if I could just get some understanding from family on choices that have to be made. I will be praying, hope you do too.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Friday, May 16, 2008
Going Postal
Last Friday I took a bunch of over sized envelopes , reg. mail and two boxes to the post office. Nothing out of the ordinary there. However I did find it a tad annoying that one of the reg. cards I was mailing, at least I thought it was reg. since I bought it with the other Mothers day cards, was weighed as well and was 17 cents more than reg. postage. I paid it with out saying a word. I made small talk to the guy behind the counter. He took my boxes and weighed them, asked about insurance and I paid him. End of story? Guess not, or we wouldn't be here! LOL
The next day I see a big headline telling me that postage stamps are going up, again. I moan over this as I have a bunch to use up and now have to buy one cent stamps. Oh well. But what really got me was the reason for the price hike listed in the article. I named a $7 million dollar loss of revenue as the cause, since more people are not using the post office any more. So I am thinking to myself, " and the pay to fix this is to hike prices and penalize us?" Anyway........... The following Tuesday the mail truck comes and returns one of my boxes, listing that it is undeliverable. That is all it says on the tag. I ponder this and double check the address, and triple check the address, Nope, it is correct. I never really doubted it to begin with. So DH takes the box back down to the post office asks for an explanation. They look at it and shrug. They have no idea why it didn't get mailed. But if we would like to try again they would be glad to send it for another $7. What? It never left our town, it never left a 4 block radius of my house! DH refuses and comes back home. He tells me and I am verrrrrrry unhappy about this. I mean I just do not, I mean do not have an extra $7 to mail this box again. I feel they should try again or refund our money. They next day DH goes down and talks to the post master. Again no dice. My DH feels if they can read the address well enough to take money from his wife, then it is good enough to be read and delivered. Post Master is now irritated that DH thinks the government only wants his money. He says, "the government is not in the business of making money", oh and he won't refund our money either. So right now the box is sitting here in limbo. I am thinking this is to funny. They lost $7 million dollars last year, so not only are they raising prices but stealing money from citizens as well. Yea, that's gonna make me want to use them more!
So Mike, if your reading this... Now you know what happened to your fathers day gift from the kids!
Blessings, Beth Ann
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The second book , lets just call it pizza, is a great down on your luck turned good story. I usually don't enjoy Grisham books. Matter fact the only one of his I ever read all the way through and though was good was "Skipping Christmas". Later it was made into a Tim Allen movie called "Christmas with the Kranks". If you enjoyed that book, Christmas, than you most likely enjoy this book. Both escape his usual genre and have a fanciful air about it with enough humanism for us all to identify with. A down and out football player can only get hired in Italy and all the culture shock is grand fun. The in depth food descriptions left me drooling and looking for affair on Orbitz. As with the previous book, by the end our hero's life has been reprioaratized, but this book leaves plenty of questions for there to be a sequel if the author wishes. Also leaves alot of room for interpitation, a book clubs dream! This book left me feeling upbeat, hungry, wanting to visit Italy, and hoping the author keeps up the good work by breaking from his publicists mold every now and then.
There you have it two great books I recommend. My next big find is "Swine not: by Jimmy Buffett", yep - the singer. It is based on a true story. I think I will add that to my book club list. That will give me three out of five, I am torn over the rest. I am a huge fan of Donna Andrews, I always laugh out load at all her books and find myself wanting to read snatches of them out load to share with others. I also extremely enjoy Lillian Jackson Bruan, the wonderful lady that brings us the "Cat who........." series. Of course Robin Jones Gunn and Karen Kingsbury always deliver a great Christian based story with right on target life questions and group discussions. I also try to keep up with the Yada Yada Prayer group, book series as well as the Maggie Sefton knitting mysteries...................... Oh my, this could go on forever as I haven't even brought up my favorite caterer - Goldie, by Diane Mott Davidson.......................
Just visit your local library and share your finds with me and a friend, pass it along.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mothers Day and Menus'
We had Grandpa D and Grandma S over last night to cap off our week-end and S asked me this question, "what did you get for Mother's Day?" This is after she rattled off a whole list of things she received via mail since her boys live far away. So I shared with her that I had a two part M-day. On Saturday I went to the Farmer's Market in Franklin with my bff. This couldn't have happened with out my oldest ds watching the twins after DH left for work at noon. We enjoyed ourselves thoroughly and also squeezed in Wild Oats and a few more stops. Sunday started with DH bringing me coffee upstairs while I got ready for church. He painted my toe nails for me while I sat to drink it. He then presented my with my engagement ring, which had been in for repairs and a cleaning. I so was not expecting it yesterday and the gesture was soooo sweet! After an awesome service on the best mother of all (Mary) my family took me out for lunch at the local hot spot. When we got home the kids had some trinkets for me and DH had gotten me the steel tortilla press I wanted from The World Market (making them by hand is killer). Oh an every year at church on M-day the give out flower flats, a six pack. I was so happy with my day. Then we had D and S over for dinner with a S bringing an Ice cream cake, what more is there to life - LOL So I was puzzled by here response to my answer. She seemed disappointed in the "stuff" I didn't get. So I meditated on this overnight. My first response was to become unhappy with my lack of stuff as well. Then I thought, wait a minute...... maybe she is just not used to being happy with the gift of time and people. They are older, so they never have to worry about finding alone time any more and since their children moved away along time ago, they HAVE to be content with just stuff in the mail. So now I feel a bit sad for S, but I know that just by having them share our evening with us made it more special for both of us!
Well the farmers market was great! Not great prices, but just alot of fun. Trying to eat healthy is really becoming a chore. But I am recommitting to eating a mostly raw/non processed food diet. I am striving for only about 15% of my daily food being cooked, usually dinner. We have been doing this mostly anyway, but sometimes I feel myself start to slack, especially with me and my DH. Why is it that I make the kids eat better than me? Anyway, it works out well for all. We usually have home made granola, oatmeal or an occasional egg for breakfast with a banana and a whole grain bread. Lunch is mostly veggies, such as veggie tacos or subs. Today I am trying something new, eggplant BLT's. You slice the eggplant thin and marinade it, then dehydrate it for 24 hours. Will come out crisp and have a bacon like quality with no nitrates! Dinners here are mostly low carb meals. So with that said here is a peek at this weeks menu at my house.
Sat: Home made pizza (one cheese/one ham and pineapple) w/ peach salsa and tortilla chips ( from Wild Oats)
Sun: M-day, pork tenderloin (with my awesome meat rub) w/ stuffing and green beans
Mon: Home made crab soup w/ rainbow pasta salad
Tue: Crock pot meat loaf w/ mashed sweet potato and salad
Wed: Church/ mom's night off
Thur: Skillet Italian Casserole w/ salad and garlic bread
Fri: Spicy lentils w/ creamy new potatoes and grilled chicken breast
Other cooking this week includes but is not limited to......................... Home made soft tortillas, home made sauerkraut, eggplant "bacon", faux "corn dogs", home made graham crackers, and home made ranch dressing.
I encourage everyone to visit their local farmers market and support local efforts in eating healthy. What is cooking at your house this week?
Blessings, Beth Ann
Thursday, May 08, 2008
"Rainy Days and Cloggy Drains always get me down"

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Camping movies to get you in the mood!

My first pick is RV the movie, with Robin Williams. I am not a big fan in general of slap stick comedy and there is plenty here. If you enjoy Williams , you will enjoy the movie. The same can be said about RVing, if you enjoy it; you will find something in this movie to tickle your funny bone. They are first timers, so that in it's self is funny. One of my personal fav's is the scene where they find out raccoons are living in the RV oven. It then proceeds to show all the family running out of the RV, screaming of course, followed by four large furry raccoons. Now I don't know about your camper, but MINE won't hold a pizza pan let alone four adult raccoons! LOL By the end of the movie our hero is much put upon, his own fault, and bedraggled, again his own fault. And the movie manages to convey the message that family is a number one priority and maybe all those RV/trailers/campers on the road you see aren't fanatics after all. Maybe they already know what the rest of us just found out, camping in any form is a wonderful way to keep our families close, have fun and see the land we love.
My second pick isn't out in DVD form yet, but will be in the next six to eight weeks. The Ride of our Lives is a 12 part mini-series that I caught on NPT or PBS to the rest of us. It is currently out in Hardback, soft cover, CD and eBook forms just check your library or favorite book seller. I haven't read the book but seeing this autobiographical series on TV was heart warming for all of us with older loved ones. It is the true adventures of NBC corespondent Mike Leonard of the Today show and his trip cross country with his elderly parents. He rented two RV's, one for himself and his parents and one for three of his children who are his production team on this effort, and took his parents on their last trip cross America to see the site of their youth. Everyone will find something to identify with as the family dynamics are played out and the family races to get home in time for Mike's fourth child, a daughter, to give birth to their first grandchild. Again, they are first timers and there is a heart stopping scene where one of the children trash the rented Winnebago by taking a corner to sharp. There is Mike's moms fears of riding in the RV as it sways as big rigs go by. There is plenty of background info and pictures in typical Mike Leonard fashion as he voice overs the reasons his parents are the way they are. And don't all of us wish we know why our parents ticked? This is pulled of with so much laughter, dignity , tears and respect that it leaves you wanting more.

Well I don't know about you, but all of a sudden I have an urge to dig out one of these movies and have a great family night, right at home! If you can't get away to camp this week=end, rent a fun camping movie!
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, May 05, 2008
Old Stone Fort Camping

Saturday, May 03, 2008
Write a book?
Well I am still not sure about this writing thing or how to go about doing it, but here is what I am thinking for a title~ "Confessions of a home schooling, RVing, God fearing, OCD Mom!" What do you think? Please post if you have any advice here or just some smart comment. LOL
Blessings, Beth Ann
whats for dinner this week?

Friday, May 02, 2008
Enchanted April

After a wonderful meal, spaghetti to get us in the Italian mood for our movie, we had an awesome dessert with great coffee! We cleaned up, moved some chairs and settled into to watch a 1991 release called "Enchanted April". No big names, matter of fact the only name I recognized was Alfred Molina. It is set in a castle in Italy where four women from different backgrounds and at different cross roads of their lives spend the month of April, renting the castle. It was a cute movie I might have otherwise skipped over, and recommend it highly. Some of it's recurring themas were positive thinking, unselfish love, being a good help meet. After the movie, which came with popcorn ~ thanks S!, we had some group discussion on these topics. I think we all left feeling warmer towards each other, a little better understood and wanting to do it again!
Our fearless leader picked up this study guide at our local LIFEWAY store, I believe it is called Chicks dinner and a movie or something similar. If ya need to know, just post and I will get the info. Anyway, it listed 12 movies with corresponding meals to match the theme. Then you have a sign up and everyone brings an ingredient, which means you have the fun of watching your friends cook! Like I brought the pasta for our Italian get away. I personally try to be healthier, so I like the wheat pasta fortified with omega 3. It is denser and takes some getting use to, but it sticks with ya! Well no one else had ever had this, but they were game and all seemed to enjoy it. So that was cool, some of us got to try new things. Including one older lady said she had never had frozen garlic bread in foil before! Can you imagine? You live, you learn.
I give this night five stars * * * * * or an A++++++, either way I recommend it and hope you all get a chance real soon to fellowship.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Maui Chicken
Slow Cooker Maui Chicken
6 boneless chicken breast
2 Tbsp. oil
14 1/2 oz. chicken broth
20 oz. pineapple chunks
1/4 cup vinegar
2 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 garlic clove, minced
1 green pepper, chopped
3 Tbsp. cornstarch
1/4 cup water
1. Brown chicken in oil, then place in slow cooker.
2. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over chicken.
3. Cover. Cook on high 4-6 hours.
4. Serve over rice.
Makes 6 servings.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Stressing it
Greetings all. Back from camping and trying to get organized. Still having computer issues as well. I am just going to take a minute to vent here and try to decompress. I know I am having PMS, but sometimes life just builds up . I also had a killer headache for a couple days, as my b/p meds ran out and it took me that long to fill it. So I guess it is just a conglomeration of things. The big things are my family in MI. While we were camping my oldest dd called to tell me her grandpa great passed away and that her Nana was sick too. I already knew about the grandma issue, as my ex-husband had called me upset. He clearly wanted me to comfort him and tell him it would be alright. I couldn't do it. I have so many issues with this man. Most of them would clear up with a simple "I'm sorry". But I am not holding my breath and I couldn't do for him what he never did for me. So there you have it, I am a bad person and a bad Christian. I need to work on my forgiveness of him. Anyway, so I tell my children what is going on. They are smart and compassionate children. They understand about their grandpa great and are concerned about their Nana. But I still have them looking at me for solutions to the issues at hand, which are we really can't go up to MI. It cost far to much money to go to a place we are not treated well. They also don't understand why their dad doesn't take them up to MI, or for that matter why he doesn't visit it them except once a year when I pay for it. Don't even know if I will be able to afford to send flowers for the funeral at this point, still waiting on my dd to give me the details on that. I know this is all normal stuff, but can you see the stress building? I am also missing my oldest dd measurably! I haven't seen my grandson in a year and find myself lying awake at night trying to figure out we can sell so we will have money to see them. Big sigh. On top of this another friend of mines DH is very sick and needs surgery. I felt really pulled on this and knew I wasn't any good to her in my current state. Then I get mad at myself for feeling guilty when so many people are just as bad if not worse off. Like my friend Amy at church, check out her blog at the right, and her struggle with a Haitian adoption. She is truly one of the bravest and strongest women I have the pleasure of knowing! Last night I didn't even want to go to church, I felt that sad. I finely gave in to my kids pleading and went. I figured I could use the support of the women's group and their prayers. I was disappointed. I know the lady who runs the group meant well, but her words and attitude came out wrong. I tried to explain things to group just as I did above, when it came time for prayer request. When she offered up the prayer she did pray for my family and the kids in MI but then she prayed , " and please let Beth's children stop giving her looks", and she said it in a kind of narky voice. She has never been blessed with kids, so maybe she missed what I was trying to get at. It's not the looks! I can handle that and try my best to be strong for them. It is the sense of a parent letting your kids down when they are counting on you to make sense out of a world that doesn't. It's a very hopeless feelings, makes you feel like a failure right or wrong. On top of this, when I got there several people came up to me and let me know about my friend and here husband. I was made to feel like less then a friend since I couldn't deal with her stuff and mine. Anyway, was just looking for some support, got none, came home still in a funk. Well got some b/p meds in me and have shaken most of my headache and am starting to feel a tad better. Also got some props from my bff. Guess I will pull out of this soon. Just need to vent a little, thanks for listening. I am sure most of you know what I am going through and are going through it too. Be strong and remember that ~ "with God we can do all things" The Spirit Himself hears witness with our spirit that we are children of God ~ Romans 8:16 God comforts us that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble ~ 2Corinthians 1: 3-4 Blessings, Beth Ann |