Just sitting here enjoying the delicious smells coming from my oven as I bake home make croutons before church. I really, really hate using the oven when it is so hot, but with my food dehydrator dead . . . no choice. I refuse to waste food, and because I make home made bread I always seem to have bread buts leftover. Bread buts are the big puffy ends of bread hanging over my bread machine pan. My ds feels the term "bread buts" is derogatory, but not sure what else to call these things. Anyway, I break up leftover bread and mix it with olive oil, garlic powder and parsley. In a perfect world I then dehydrate for about 8-10 hours, but in the oven only about 30 minutes at 3oo while stirring half way through. Smells heavenly.....
Since we are lamenting about my broken food dehydrator....... I also have a batch of eggplant bacon marinating. Again, in a perfect world I would dehydrate it tomorrow for about 10-12 hours, but will back it off at 350 for 20 minutes a batch. I have some pictures somewhere I will post of me drying it and I will try to remember to add pic of finished baked "bacon" as well. It is really a great "veggie" bacon, with no soy or nitrates. Now adays seems you can buy anything "vegetarian", but it is all made of soy. People seem so excited to find these meat/low fat replacements that they forget that to much soy is a bad thing. So I just love this eggplant version that is marinated in a olive/flax seed oil mix with a little vinegar and honey as well. 100% natural and 100% soy free.
Well need to work on a shopping list. Thank goodness only have to to that twice a month!
Blessings, Beth
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