Whats for dinner this week?
Here we are at the start of another week. I was pretty quiet last week. Not much happening here. Just finishing up school work with the kids. Oldest son seems to have many activities, guess that is normal with teenagers. Lots of sunny, hot and humid weather here also. So most afternoons were spent in the pool. Looking like it is going to be a lazy summer. With gas so expensive we are spending ours here at home around the pool. Got DH a new grill for fathers day since his old one rusted out - clean through! He put it together the other night and will break it in tomorrow on Fathers Day. We received a gentle rain over night and this morning our garden was resplendent in many shades of green and showing a marked growth and perkiness ~ LOL Our banana pepper plant has one pepper on it and a couple others started! Will have to take a pic to share with you all. That is about all that is happening here, a nice gentle southern summer.Dinners for this week include:Saturday: Home made pepperoni pizza (only one as DH is at work and middle dd is going to a pig roast with Grandpa D and Grandma S) with saladSunday: Happy Fathers Day! Grill out & pool party. Hot dogs, Hamburgers, coleslaw and baked beans.Monday: Sirloin chili with cheese biscuits and veggie sticksTuesday: Meat loaf w/ mashed potatoes and steamed mixed vegetablesWednesday: "Ritzy" chicken w/ pinto beans and salad (still no dinner at church, just bible study for the summer)Thursday: Beef and broccoli stir-fry on riceFriday: Chicken Alfredo with garlic bread and saladOther cooking for the week includes everything I didn't get around to making last week! LOL Whats for dinner at your house?
Not sure.
I thawed the lone chicken breast from the freezer. Got two peppers (red & yellow) and an onion. Will probably cook up some rice and do a stir fry on the grill.
We're down in Manchester in a campground at the Busy Corner exit. Like this place. Kinda simple and peaceful. Plus it's closer to hubby's work.
Love stir fry! Everything taste better on rice!
When we camp in Manchester we like OLD STone Fort ParK. One of our most favorit places, check it out if you get the op.
Blessings, Beth
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