Getting to know you
I was tagged by for this.
How did you come up with your blog name? Chatting with friends
What is a cause closest to your heart? Children's education
Do you or have you ever home-schooled? Yes, 4 years now
What was the biggest challenge homeschooling? Teaching different grade levels, I have one in High school, one in middle and my twins are Pre K!
What was your most favorite moment while HS? When my son came to me and said, "Mom I didn't know I liked to read until we started home school". Now he reads allllllllll the time - LOL
Do you like to bake or cook? I LOVE to cook!
What is your most favorite thing to bake or cook? I am a lean, mean, soup making machine!
What is a kitchen appliance that you could not live without? Coffee Pot! LOL Does that count? Ok, tie between crock pot and bread machine
What color is your kitchen done in? Sunflower yellow
If you could live anywhere - no cost involved where would you live? Edisto Island, South Carolina
What size house would you live in? One of the big houses right on the beach typically for tourist/rent. I want to be right on the beach and they have more beds/baths and great decks.
Do you plant a garden? Yes
If you do what do you plant? Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, gourds and what ever else we fancy that year. No more okra though! LOL
What is your favorite bible verse? Jeremiah 29: 11- 13 "For I know the plans I have for you", says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen."
Do you take notes during church? Sometimes
Do you highlight your bible and write little notes in the margin? I use to highlight, but found it bothered me when I looked back and couldn't remember why that had importance to me and why . Now I use a journal or a small note pad tucked into my bible cover.
What is one of your favorite Christian blogs to visit?
Do you think this is too long and has too many categories? No
One more:If you were stranded on a deserted island what three things would you take with you? 1)My DH 2) Bible 3)My comfy couch, there is enough food, paper, pens, change, toys, ect . . . in there to keep me occupied for a long time. Besides, I hate to sleep on the ground! LOL
I tag everyone who visits me!
Blessings, Beth Ann
Hi Beth Ann~ I enjoyed reading your answers, and am so blessed that you read my blog!
PS: your Christmas Salt gifts turned out really cute! :-)
not taking the kids on that desert island? bwahahahahahahah!
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