I am a SAHM who loves God and the family He blessed me with. We live in middle TN. but are from northern MI. My oldest dd still lives there and gave my my first grandbaby five years ago, Jack - Jack, number two~ baby Hunter is one! I home school my 3 children,16, and 8year old twins. I just graduated my 19 son. So I guess SAHM is a bit misleading - LOL
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Whats up Wendsday . . .

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Just checking in

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
What's up Wendsday . . .

Yesterday was DH day off and we spent the morning going into the "boro" for standardized testing for middle DD. As home schoolers we have a choice to do this. We always chose to do it, so each kid gets done every other year. Helps us to keep track of what level they are currently testing at in all their subjects. So far there has been no major surprises. Then we spent the afternoon helping the grand parents load up their moving truck and cleaning out their house in general. So sad. Two more days and they are gone. We are thinking of going out west to visit maybe next March, God willing and depending on how the medical bill situation is. We are going to have to peel B off of Grandpa, the twins still don't get it. For some reason they think the g-parents are moving into the "city/boro". Not sure why . . .
Today was a tad alarming. As I was driving middle DD home from testing, goes for three days, our Durango started making a WHUMP, WHUMP noise. For me to actually notice it, means alot. Usually DH will ask if I hear . . . fill in noise of your choice here, and I don't. So it was bad. It was making me alarmed to say the least, but I still stopped at the pharmacy (it's on the way) and picked up my perscriptions. By the time I pulled into the driveway, the steering was acting funny. I called DH at work, conviently a car auto parts retailer. He said it sounded like my front wheel shaft/bearing thingy. I told him I wasn't driving it again and he needed to get his own ride home for lunch. Lucky for him that the g-parents are staying in their RV at the funeral home about a block from his store, until their closing on Friday - then their outa here! So grandpa was his taxi. He cam home and looked at it and drove it, confirming his first diagnosis. He said we were lucky we made it home. Even with his discount at work, it's a lot of money. Not sure where we are going to get it. Not sure how we will bet DD to testing tomorrow. Not sure how we will get to church tonight. Not sure of alot of things except that we will pray, and God will provide.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, April 20, 2009
Menu Plan Monday

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Just checking in . . .

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What's up Wendsday

Saturday, April 11, 2009
We are OK

Ok, now here is the low down on oldest DS. When we took him to the emergency room last Saturday, they gave him another cat scan, more x-rays and every blood test you can imagine. We then visited our own doc on Wed. The good news is that all his test cam back good. They can't find anything else wrong with him and he seems to be well recovered from his surgery. His blood cell count is even almost normal now after his transfusion. They say the chronic pain he is suffering in his head is from his sleep disturbance and should correct it's self. Same with the chronic stomach pain, which they say is from him mono. Since he had so many complications with it he could take up to 4-6 months more to fully recover. His spleen is still enlarged also. They are also concerned that this may be turning into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There really is nothing more to be done than to try to build up his immune system, which was compromised with the infection from his tonsils and his blood transfusion. He also needs to stay hydrate and eat a high iron diet with little to no sugar, caffeine, dairy, yeast and pasta (wheat). I feel so over whelmed. I am concentrating on the hydration currently and dreading the food issues. He is too eat mostly eggs, fish and beans for protein. He would sooner polk his eye out with a spork than eat an egg! I can't think of one other food he despises more than eggs! Pray for us. We are also still having issues with his blood pressure, he can't seem to keep it up. Thursday evening it dropped off again 40/20 and he fainted again! He is dizzy all the time. I just keep shoving juice in his hand every chance I can. Last night he tried to eat a McD's burger, he brought it back up a couple hours later. Good times, good times. Sigh. Keep praying for us.
Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary but I think we are just going to go out to dinner tonight. No elaborate celebrations. I am so stressed, I am afraid to be away to long from the kids (DS). Even yesterday, I wouldn't have spent so much time at the church if there hadn't been someone else at my house to monitor DS. So we will probably eat local at D.J.'s steak house. They have great rib eye's and the best Greek salad I have ever had! There home made onion rings aren't to bad either - LOL Which reminds me, last Thursday was my second W.W. weigh in. My DH was at work and the older two kids were at a library TAG meeting. So I took the twins with me, and they were a hoot! They have no idea why they were there. They just stood in line with me and got weighed too. They guy who runs it was so sweet to them. So they got weighed, I got weighed and then we went to the library. They thought it was a great afternoon! smile Ok, here are the numbers - Elijah weighed in at 43 pounds. Elysha weighed in at 38 pounds, and I . . . not a chance! LOL But I did lose 5.5 pounds! For a two week total weight loss of 8 pounds. I was sooo relieved, but I felt I had earned it. I had made so many hard choices that week. Yogurt instead of chocolate covered pretzels. Grilled shrimp with steamed veggies instead of a cheesy bean burrito . . . you get the point. Hope this week is just as good. Yesterday I was so good it scared me. I didn't eat anything I cooked for other people at church. I didn't even flinch when one person brought in pop tarts and chips to serve the fire dept. workers. OK, I did flinch when she opened the chips and put them in front of me, but I didn't sub come! LOL
Well DS was to sick to work at the rabies vaccination clinic today and is still feeling poorly and has low b/p again. Think I will get him a big glass of the discounted o.j. I found today and go help the rest of the kids color eggs.
Have a very blessed Easter, Beth Ann
Monday, April 06, 2009
Menu Plan Monday 4/6 - 4/12

This looks like another busy week as well, and includes our wedding anniversary which just also happens to fall on the holiday of Easter this year! It will be our sixth anniversary, but we have been together for over eight years (some weeks feels like more - LOL). Have no idea what we are doing or if we even have TIME to do anything. But for now lets concentrate on this week, and here is a look at whats for dinner at our house:
Monday: Crock pot beef pot roast w/ potatoes and carrots
Tuesday: Cheesy salmon noodle casserole w/ salad and rolls
Wednesday: Bible study & dinner at church (cook out this week)
Thursday: Left over pot roast chili w/ corn bread
Friday: Crock pot pork chops w/ broccoli and noodles
Saturday: Home made pizza for the kids / Mom and Dad out to dinner for anniversary
Sunday: HAPPY EASTER !!! Ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, crock pot green bean casserole, deviled eggs (from our colored ones) and black bean brownies (weight watcher recipe)
For more Menu Plan Monday visit www.orgjunkie.com
Whats for dinner at your house this week?
Blessings, Beth Ann
Saturday, April 04, 2009
This and that

Wednesday, April 01, 2009
What's up - April Fool's edition
Here are some photo's of middle dd at her dance workshop open house. The place was the same size as my RV, and packed!!! My dd said she had never worked so hard in her life, and no thank you when we offered her a twelve week class - LOL Maybe next year I can sign the twins up for ballet or something . . .