Thought I would jot down a quick update, since I left so many unanswered questions yesterday. First, did have enough money for car part, just won't have any grocery money for the week or be able to go on my Women of Faith trip this week-end with my church. Bummer. But still trying to feel blessed we had the money. Second, grandpa D was able to give DD a ride to testing today and then kept her to help them finish packing - LOL Unfortunately we couldn't find a ride to church last night and after DH walked all the way home from work he just wanted dinner. DH thinks if he stays up all night after he gets out of work late tonight he might be able to get the truck fixed. Not much else choice really. Now if I can just find a ride to W.W. . . .
Well DS is having a bad day today. Killer joint pains, gut rot and migraines. Guess I shouldn't be surprised since he had three good days in a row this week. He probably over did it. It's easy to forget how sick he can feel, when he is almost his old self again.
Last but not least, where the heck are these flip flops? I haven't seen them since this picture was taken, way back last year in South Carolina. Maybe they are still in the RV? Since I will home and broke this week-end, might be a good chance to back the RV out and clean it good. Would like to take our maiden voyage this year on Mothers Day week-end. Will try for a house sitter this time, although there ain't much left to take!
Blessings, Beth Ann
1 comment:
Life is definitely a juggling act these days.
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