Hey there! Just checking in. I realized I haven't been blogging much as I spend more time posting on Face book, but there are still some of you guys who aren't connected and count on the blog.
Wish I had some fabulous news to bring, but mostly same old, same old around her and sometimes that ain't all bad : )
Been a pretty good day here despite cold temps in the 40's. Hubby had the day off and we took the twins to the flea market. Now the twins are thawing out with some hot cocoa. The poor things were born down here so they aren't as hardy as the rest of us. : ) The older two kids went to friends houses for the week-end, so eerily quiet around here. Also finished my Christmas shopping today, except for hubby. He wants a new steering wheel for his Camero, such a man - LOL
Speaking of hubby . . . He has offered to start giving free guitar lessons at our church to anyone interested. It's an out reach program for all ages. I'm pretty excited about it, we need some growth in our church. I will tag along to either help watch children or do knitting/crochet or any stitching with moms who drop off kids or just want some fellowship of their own. DH has done this before at the home school co-op we use to attend. He is sooo patient and kind hearted. I know, what's he doing with me right? LOL I am truly blessed. There is also talk of a car ministry. Once a month we have a day where single moms and such could bring their car to have it looked at or the oil changed for free. Knute said he could do that, but I hope he gets some help! LOL I feel there are good things ahead in the new year.
Blessings, Beth Ann
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