Saturday, December 26, 2009

Kids and Christmas 2009

Hope everyone had a blessed holiday yesterday. I received a small digital camera, so will make blogging a bit easier and faster : ) I am proud to show off our Christmas pictures this soon. Would have posted yesterday, but had to do the dinner and company thing. You understand right? LOL I find my computer can only support about five pictures at a time, that is why there will be a couple different holiday posts. Here are a few of the highlights from yesterday:

Oldest son trying to figure out the directions to his new MP3 player . . .

Twin daughter sharing tunes from her princess mp3 player with her dad . . .

Here is E showing off her new princess cloths for her doll's . . .

Here is E showing his new Pokemon ball/battle gym . . .

Here E is showing her talking Snow White from G. D and G. S - she loves it!
Hard to believe that with all the rushing and preparation that the holiday is over, but it was a wonderful one made brighter with the time spent and shared with family and friends.
Blessings, Beth Ann

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