Not much else new, just been plain busy. I finely got enough money and made it to the chiropractor. I've been twice this week and am now just feeling some relief. This is a good thing : )
Also been busy planning our vacation dates for the upcoming year. This always makes me slightly giddy. Unfortunately since money is so tight, we will be sticking close to home this year. This means no big trips to S.C. to the ocean and not being able to go up to northern MI for my second grand baby : ( We will just do about 4 small trips in our own state, we have found a pretty good fishing spot and the kids love the swimming hole.
Here are some random pic's to help keep my camera cleaned off : )

Not much else new and exciting. The kids are planning on going to a Christian rock concert with the church on Sunday, the older kids that is : ) And I have my first VBS directors meeting on Monday night. I guess we just keep on going. Oh, I am heading up to Nashville tonight with my friend. It's here big 4- 0 b-day. I have 3 friends with b-days today, funny huh? Which reminds me, I need to google yarn stores in Franklin - LOL
Blessings, Beth Ann
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