We came back from our week long camping trip yesterday and amid much protesting. I am guessing that is a good sign. The weather was near 100 everyday and we only saw rain once for a brief period.
Here is a pic of B and her BFF helping to put the canopy up over the picnic table. The girls loved pounding with the hammer : )
Here is E rolling in the grass and taking a break from catching lightening bugs.
Our new favorite thing to do is play corn hole, course we are to poor to afford it. So I bought a knock - off , rice hole! LOL Here K,E and BFF get into the game.
Here B and E take a break while waiting for smore time.
We played many board games in the hot part of the afternoon. Here the twins beat dad at a game of States and Capitals Sequence : )
Being a type A+ personality, I feared I didn't accomplish much with my vacation (I know that is the whole purpose, hence the type A+). Then I did the thing type A's like to do best, I made a list! LOL We went swimming everyday, fished until the worms ran out, and fed the carp popcorn at the marina. I finished two books, and read a complete third. I even squeezed in some knitting.
I taught B how to knit and well, not easy since she is left handed and I am not : ) I finished another panel on the sweater I am knitting for B and knit half a pair of fingerless arm warmers. Oh, I also downloaded Chuzzle on my cell phone and became the world champion . . . of my Minnie Winnie that is : )
So when you put it that way, a great vacation, great food, great time with family, much was accomplished! On the day we left, while K and I were drinking our morning coffee outside, E crashed open the door and came outside. He stood on the astro turf and said in a pitiful voice, " we have to leave today". Then he turned around and went back inside. Guess you had to be there, it was too funny and cute. Then they all trouped down to the lake for one more chance to swim and get even more sunburned..
We returned home to a sunny day, overflowing garden, 8 puppies and a flooded basement.

Yes, I said 8 puppies. There were 9, but the runt had to stay with it's mother who is being fostered by a friend of ours. That's right, Z was at it again while we were gone. Him, his girlfriend and some folks from church were helping one of our church members move into a new house, and Z noticed that next door there was an emaciated dog. When he went over to check it out he discovered the pups and just couldn't leave them there. He asked the owner and explained he worked for the local vet and would get care for them. They let him have them. They are about 5 weeks old and appear to be of all things American bull dog and Chiwahwaha mix. The poor little things were grossly bloated with both ring and tape worms : ( The next day Z went back with our friend who also does animal fostering, and retrieved the mother dog. The runt was doing poorly, so we are hoping a little more nursing will help her. Apparently we get them back when they are deemed healthy. The twins were thrilled with this turn of events, and it looks like the pups are also : )
So that's our vacation in a nut shell and we know we are so blessed, Beth Ann