Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hanging out at home

Hey there, just hanging out at home and trying to recuperate from my sinus and back issues before we leave for camping this Sunday. We will take off on Fathers day, after church. Not much else here, just some hazy, lazy days of summer. Since I was feeling a bit better, I trekked around the yard this morning and snapped some pic's to share.

This is Tina, B's cat. She thinks we are here to serve her and she is mean spirited. Tina, not B! LOL She is peering in our screened in deck through some Ivory type thing that DH thinks is cute creeping up our deck. She will sit there and meow until someone picks her up and gives her a ride past all the big mean doggies sleeping on the deck.

These are the first tiny tomatoes from DH's prized plants. He hates to eat them, but he loves to grow them!

Sorry this is so dark, but it is so cute : ) Here is Z's dog Zoey and my mini doxin Howard, sleeping on the sofa. I am glad that with so many handicapped animals, that they get on well together.

Here is another random pet pic to distract you - LOL This is Z's rabbit, Di Vinci. He has happy ears today!

OK, this is a weird and awkward pic of my bird feeder outside the living room window. Notice all the sunflowers from the fallen seed. TN isn't called the volunteer state for nothing!

Another of hubby's tomato plants. We have 4, different varieties, and reap about 10lb. off of each plant. Our friends love visiting and picking their own before they leave.

Here is Tina again, she truly believes she is queen of the back porch.

A close up of our sunny friends : )

A view of our bird feeding area, facing our kitchen window.

A glimpse of our garden and the fence we put in this year, next to our second drive way. Dig those crazy curling luffa squash plants! I will be making sponges and soap with those. I will hand them out at Christmas with my hand knitted wash cloths.
Well thanks for taking the nickle tour and ya'll come back now, ya hear!
Blessings, Beth Ann

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