While we were on vacation our garden really took off and we feel totally blessed. We are striving for a more self sustained life and our garden is a huge step in that direction, not to mention the financial savings as well as the organic benefits. Once again I urge all to see the movie/documentary 'Food,INC." So here is a quick look at our progress and most of the kudos goes to my DH. He never thought he would enjoy gardening, but he works with cars 12+ hours a day. He finds this most relaxing. I think he gets if from his grandma Virgy and Grandpa Bob : )
This is just a side view of our garden on the west side of the house. We have a couple of smaller patches on the east side. DH lays awake at night trying to figure out what else he can till up! Eventually we will find about 10 acres and build a farm on it. One of the children will take over this homestead.
Look in the upper left corner, my first bottle neck gourd of the year! I have many crafts planned for these once they are dried. Last time I grew these our old dog Hershey got into them while we were at church and chewed them up. I vow to find a better drying location this time!
This wonderful round item is one of many already ripening spaghetti squash we planted. We love these and they are soooo pricey at the store! We also planted acorn and butternut squash.
Here is a peek at one of the butternut squash. Isn't it cute? : ) Unfortunately our pumpkins aren't doing well this year. I switched seeds and suppliers and am wondering if that is the problem. Now I am concerned and remembering the great canned pumpkin shortage last fall.
We have 7 tomato plants in all, which is too funny since DH doesn't like to eat them. However, he LOVES growing them : ) Actually we only planted 4, same as last year but a friend had 3 growing in her compost pile and she just ripped them out and asked if we wanted them. Heck ya! So DH lovingly transplanted them into our garden and they have taken off. Same friend called last night to tell me that while they were on vacation in NY for two weeks, something ate her tomato plants and she was wondering how ours were and if she would get some. This is funny since she isn't suppose to eat tomatoes due to her diverticulitis. Anyway, instead of showing you all 7 plants, this is a peek at the Roma next to our front porch.

Blessings, Beth Ann
1 comment:
Great garden. I am hoping to start one next year. I am not too sure how it will go being in Arizona, but I am hopeful.
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