I am a SAHM who loves God and the family He blessed me with. We live in middle TN. but are from northern MI. My oldest dd still lives there and gave my my first grandbaby five years ago, Jack - Jack, number two~ baby Hunter is one! I home school my 3 children,16, and 8year old twins. I just graduated my 19 son. So I guess SAHM is a bit misleading - LOL
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rock Band

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve

Monday, December 22, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Sunday, December 21, 2008
He's at it again . . .
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Cooking today . . .

Friday, December 19, 2008
Cracked up

I have been suffering in pain for well over 4 months and decided today to do something about it. I have had this hip/sciatic nerve pain, and it gets worse at night. The longer I put it off the worse it got, surprise right? It's to the point that for the past month or so I can't even sleep. I get a fiery hot pain down my left leg/hip and when I sit up it feels like a steel dagger is being shoved up my spine. Well I have had back/hip problems since my middle dd was born, I blame the back labor. Anyway, I have always had success with the chiropractor. But our new insurance doesn't cover it, and they raised their price :( Not sure why today was the day, but I just couldn't take the pain and lack of sleep anymore. So marched myself down their and gave myself an early Christmas gift. Now I am kicking myself for putting off for so long. Guess I get my martyrdom from my mom. Anyway, I always feel worse when he is done, but feel better in the long run if that makes sense. He told me my 4Th lumbar was out of place and the inflammation was putting pressure on my sciatic nerve. I have no idea what all that means, just glad it wasn't in my head - LOL Well I felt and heard it go back in place and felt like a car ran over me! I jumped off the table and told the poor Dr. that I didn't feel any better. Wish you could have seen his face! Looked like someone kicked his dog. He recovered his dismay at meeting someone so forward and told me that I would start to feel better after the inflammation went down. He was right! HALLELUJAH!! I am still sore, but I can tell it is already a bit better. Why o' why am I so pig headed? I was certainly worth the price of that adjustment! Moral of the story . . . take care of yourself, be good to yourself. Your martyrdom isn't helping anyone, in fact it is most likely making you cranky and you will be giving the rest of the family a gift as well if you take care of yourself!
Blessings, Beth Ann
Thursday, December 18, 2008
It's a snap . . .

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Gift bag recipe

Getting to Know meme
I was tagged by http://www.2nd-cup-of-coffee.blogspot.com/ for this.
How did you come up with your blog name? Chatting with friends
What is a cause closest to your heart? Children's education
Do you or have you ever home-schooled? Yes, 4 years now
What was the biggest challenge homeschooling? Teaching different grade levels, I have one in High school, one in middle and my twins are Pre K!
What was your most favorite moment while HS? When my son came to me and said, "Mom I didn't know I liked to read until we started home school". Now he reads allllllllll the time - LOL
Do you like to bake or cook? I LOVE to cook!
What is your most favorite thing to bake or cook? I am a lean, mean, soup making machine!
What is a kitchen appliance that you could not live without? Coffee Pot! LOL Does that count? Ok, tie between crock pot and bread machine
What color is your kitchen done in? Sunflower yellow
If you could live anywhere - no cost involved where would you live? Edisto Island, South Carolina
What size house would you live in? One of the big houses right on the beach typically for tourist/rent. I want to be right on the beach and they have more beds/baths and great decks.
Do you plant a garden? Yes
If you do what do you plant? Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, squash, gourds and what ever else we fancy that year. No more okra though! LOL
What is your favorite bible verse? Jeremiah 29: 11- 13 "For I know the plans I have for you", says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen."
Do you take notes during church? Sometimes
Do you highlight your bible and write little notes in the margin? I use to highlight, but found it bothered me when I looked back and couldn't remember why that had importance to me and why . Now I use a journal or a small note pad tucked into my bible cover.
What is one of your favorite Christian blogs to visit? http://www.smellingcoffeetoday.blogspot.com/
Do you think this is too long and has too many categories? No
One more:If you were stranded on a deserted island what three things would you take with you? 1)My DH 2) Bible 3)My comfy couch, there is enough food, paper, pens, change, toys, ect . . . in there to keep me occupied for a long time. Besides, I hate to sleep on the ground! LOL
I tag everyone who visits me!
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wonderful week-end

Friday, December 12, 2008
It's all over

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Be careful what you wish for . . .
Blessings, Beth Ann
Monday, December 08, 2008
$5 Dinner Challenge

Easy Crock Pot Chicken Al a King
1 1/2 lbs. uncooked boneless, skinless chicken breast $2
1 can cream of chicken soup (I make my own white sauce and this works just fine) .20 cents
3 Tbsp. flour (leave out if making own white sauce)
10 oz. pkg. frozen peas and onions, thawed .50 cents
2 Tbs. chopped pimentos .75 cents
8 slices bread toasted (I use homemade bread) .40 cents Total = $3.85
Cut chicken into bit size pieces and place in slow cooker. Combine soup and flour, pour over chicken . Cover and cook on high 2 hours or low 5 hours. Stir in peas and onions, and pimentos. Cover and cook on high another 20 - 30 minutes.
I serve mine over homemade bread toasted.
Serves 4
For more $5 dinner challenge visit www.5dollardinners,com
Blessings, Beth Ann
Menu Plan Monday

Thursday, December 04, 2008
A book that spoke to me . . .

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Who knew?

OCD Christmas
Today is one of those days! This morning while decorating the tree we encountered an obstacle so to speak. I didn't realize what was going on at first since he IS only 4 and like 2 feet tall. I just thought he couldn't reach all the branches and so forth. Everything he was hanging on the tree was on like only 4 different branches, so like 26 ornaments on 4 branches. So we reminded him of the rule, one branch - one ornament. No dice. Then middle DD noticed a pattern.

In his mind all alike ornaments hang together in groups! This is a grouping of frosted mini apples on our tree.
So what we do is wait for the newness of the tree to wear off and loss it's allure, and then every time we walk by we move an ornament to a more needy location. He is wrapped up in other things by then it doesn't matter to him.
Just wanted to share a glimpse of our daily life with you. It's nice to be reminded that "it's the little things" that make memories. You just know when he is like 30 we will be reminding him of these things. Heck, we still bring up the year that middle DD came upstairs and said Merry Ch --barf, all over my bed, every chance we get! Ah, good times - good times.
Blessings, Beth Ann
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Christmas Salt

Monday, December 01, 2008
Menu Plan Monday

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday! We ended up freezing our leftover turkey, as the day after we were gifted with two large whole chickens that needed to be cooked ASAP. What a wonderful gift! I decided to roast one for dinner that night with all the trimmings, and do a "rotisserie" style one in the crock pot. Then I skinned it, easy peasy while still warm, and made chicken salad. I use to do that all the time when I worked in a deli, for ten years! It was soooo yummy for lunch yesterday after church.

This week our menu is much more pedestrian. For more Menu Plan Monday visit www.orgjunkie.com
Monday: Tuna Fettuccine w/ spice oat muffins
Tuesday: Crock pot meat loaf w/potatoes and broccoli
Wednesday: Church/Mom's night off
Thursday: Chicken a-la-king in a crock pot on biscuits
Friday: 15 bean and ham soup w/ garlic bread sticks
Saturday: Crock pot Parmesan chicken w/Hawaiian carrots and corn pudding
Sunday: Mongolian beef on rice w/ salad
Whats for dinner at your house?
Blessings, Beth Ann