All over but the groaning
Well Thanksgiving 2008 is now nothing but a wonderful memory. I would have to say it was one of my most favorite. We had a few friends over, deep fried a turkey, crock potted, cooked, stirred and baked! All this after spending the night before doing last minute shopping. We went to two different Wal-Marts (a full contact sport the night before Thanksgiving), a Publix and drove up the side of a radio tower to pick up some items from a friends house. So it was nice to kick back and relax. Also have to say that I believe this years Macy's Day Parade was also one of the best I have ever seen!I was gifted with two whole chickens yesterday! What a wonderful surprise! So as we speak, I have one roasting in the oven with all the trimmings and one in my crock pot cooking faux rotisserie style! Yummy! Roast chicken for dinner and rotisserie chicken sandwiches for lunch tomorrw after church. Speaking of church, need to make it there tomorrow, first advent Sunday of the year. We have been so sick here for the past two weeks, but think it's licked now. First DS and middle DD had it and gave it to me. Then DH got it, so did the twins and they gave it to me again. Oh joy, I got it twice! Ain't it wonderful being a mom? LOL Here are a couple pictures I took over the week=end and wanted to share. Hope you enjoy.
Here are my two youngest DD helping cook on Turkey Day.
Here is twin DD doing her school work, while middle DD cat, Tina, watches. Tina was the runt of the box dropped off at our house, and the only one to make it. It is amazing how big she has gotten. She was just 4oz. when we found her, now she is 1 pound 6 oz. Cool huh?
Here is Tina looking a tad guilty perhaps? Maybe she is just trying to learn through osmosis as she lays on the kids school books?
Finely, here is Tina in the twins barn. She use to fit real good, now it's getting tight. I just know one day soon she is going to get stuck! The barn makes noises and it's nothing to be sitting on the couch trying to read and hear a goat or a horse. First it startles you, then you realize it's just the cat - LOL
Delightful blog, and loved the pics. Its always so fun to see what other people do and look like. Never tried chicken in the crock pot--gotta check that out.
You've been taggged for a holiday meme!
ho! ho! ho!
We're having airstream thanksgiving today!
P.S. I have my car with me this week! (hint hint)
Oh I know ALL about that. Our meezer is constantly in, on, and under something. She thinks the cardboard house Hubbin made for LBB was actually made for her. She uses her tricky paws to open the door and lets herself inside all the time. Although, once inside I'm not sure what she does. Make herself a cup of tea? :P Too funny!
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