Sunday, November 30, 2008
Holiday Character Meme
You remember Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer don't you? This TAG requires you to pick a Christmas character you think your most like and explain why? Santa, Rudolf, Hermey, Cornelius, Bumble, Snowman etc. Then tag 3 other people...Have fun...
I relate most with Rudolf himself! He feels like he doesn't fit in, people don't understand him, he just wants to help and be part of a community of peers. Besides, his nose is the same color as my hair! LOL
I'm tagging Amy at, Risa at and Jennifer at . If you want to play? Consider yourself tagged! Blessings, Beth Ann

Rudolph ended up saving the day, too!
Thanks for playing along!
not only did he save the day but he ended up with the girl.
I just posted something on my blog, but I will do this soon.
Oh and I'm "ria," not "risa" silly girl! :P
How funny! Thanks for the tag. :-) I think I'd be more like the Narrator (can't remember his name... sad!) My husband agrees - 'cause I like to talk and tell everyone what's going on. :-)
Sorry Ria! I also have a friend named Risa! Guess she was on my mind, maybe I need to talk to her?
Blessings, Beth Ann
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