Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Meme

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Character Meme

I was tagged by Lois at for this holiday meme

You remember Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer don't you? This TAG requires you to pick a Christmas character you think your most like and explain why? Santa, Rudolf, Hermey, Cornelius, Bumble, Snowman etc. Then tag 3 other people...Have fun...

I relate most with Rudolf himself! He feels like he doesn't fit in, people don't understand him, he just wants to help and be part of a community of peers. Besides, his nose is the same color as my hair! LOL

I'm tagging Amy at, Risa at and Jennifer at . If you want to play? Consider yourself tagged! Blessings, Beth Ann


Anonymous said...

Rudolph ended up saving the day, too!


Thanks for playing along!

Queen-Size funny bone said...

not only did he save the day but he ended up with the girl.

Anonymous said...

I just posted something on my blog, but I will do this soon.

Oh and I'm "ria," not "risa" silly girl! :P

Smelling Coffee said...

How funny! Thanks for the tag. :-) I think I'd be more like the Narrator (can't remember his name... sad!) My husband agrees - 'cause I like to talk and tell everyone what's going on. :-)

Danielsen5 said...

Sorry Ria! I also have a friend named Risa! Guess she was on my mind, maybe I need to talk to her?

Blessings, Beth Ann