Whats up Wednesday
Greetings all. I found a cute post yesterday over at http://www.5dollardinners.com/ and wanted to join in the fun. She asked what are your favorite 7 things in your kitchen, and she shared hers. It made me think and I made a list. When I went to take the pictures today, my list changed! LOL For people who like to cook, this is a harder question than it sounds at first. So here I am sharing my favorite 7 things about my kitchen . . .NUMBER 7.
This is a peek into my pantry. Please don't look to closely and ignore the mess! My mother in-law use to also call this the Harry Potter room since it is under our stair case. Guess if you read those books you get that. It is pretty deep and on the other wall it's got several racks for spices and dry items.NUMBER 6.
This is my back door, looking out onto our deck/sunroom. Couple years ago we got new doors for the house and our back door has those cool blinds between the glass. So cool, so clean! LOL It allows me to be in the kitchen and look out onto the back porch, pool deck and play ground, while I am cooking away!NUMBER 5.
Cook books. I LOVE them! This is just a small portion that I have on top of my china cabinet. There are more, believe me - LOLNUMBER 4,
My dishwasher. I sooooooo don't like doing dishes. With four kids still at home, we generate alot of dirty dishes. NUMBER 3.
My coffee pot and most favorite cup. Do I need say more?NUMBER 2.
My radio. I had a nice under the counter CD/radio right here. But it was one of the items stolen from us while we were on vacation last month. If you look closely up at the top you can see marks in the wall they left when they yanked it out. And I do mean yank. They ripped off the entire bottom of my cabinet, smashing all the dishes that were in there. Eventually we will replace it. But in the mean time my oldest DS is letting me borrow his old boom box. And yes, that is a stack of Christmas CD's next to it! LOL AND MY NUMBER 1 favorite thing in my kitchen is . . .
My fridge. Actually I don't care for this model, with the side by side doors. I am sure I lost some cubic footage here. But it is way better than not having a fridge! Our old one was broke for almost a year, raining inside and freezing things solid. Even had my prayer group pray for the thing. We didn't have money for a new one or even a used one (Craigslist still pretty pricey), my friend found someone from her church who happened to have a spare in their garage. Actually I believe she said they had 3 they weren't using, so they donated this one to us at no cost - bless them! And the kids get a kick out of the ice crusher, our old one didn't have ice/water in the door. So I call this my friendship fridge. Please share your most favorite kitchen items with us here.Blessings, Beth Ann
Cookbooks to read; coffee to drink (in our favorite mugs, of course)...the simple things in life don't get any better than this. LOL!
I like your 7 favorite things in your kitchen. the kitchen is a sentimental, live-in space. and I agree it doesn't get any better than this.
Thanks for sharing your kitchen Beth Ann! I loved the tour. And what a blessing about your fridge! God is good!
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