Sunday, January 31, 2010

All over but the . . .

. . . melting : ) The snow seemed to be over today and everything started to thaw. Major roads were open and hubby got the driveway cleaned out. The kids used the day for one last hurrah! LOL

Middle dd snapped this pic of bird tracks, which suspiciously were joined by cat tracks. Hmmmmm . . . LOL

I know this is blurry, but it caught oldest son doing what he does best, even out in the snow!

The twins building their own snowman.

Finished product

Here is oldest son's master piece, he was the talk of the neighborhood!
Blessings, Beth Ann

1 comment:

Smelling Coffee said...

Hi Beth Ann~ I enjoyed looking at your snow pictures...Isn't it funny how all of our show pictures look alike, just like family beach pictures do?

It looks like you had a great time like our family did. So glad to have this opportunity to enjoy a real snow.

I didn't know we lived so close! Maybe one day we middle-Tennessee bloggers can meet somewhere. :-)

Blessings to you~