Thursday, January 14, 2010

Birthday Randomness : )

Today's blog really has no rhyme or reason, just that today is my oldest son's 17Th birthday. He was up before me this morning and wanted his gifts ASAP! His enthusiasm made me nostalgic for when he was little, but it did lighten my heart and put not only a smile on my face but the face of everyone else this morning as well : )
Here is the birthday boy wearing a new glow - in - dark tee-shirt (what won't they think of next?)

Here are the special cookies the birthday boy requested for his TAG (teen advisory group) meeting at the library today.

Here is the birthday boy and his sister doing school work. Yes, much to their dismay, it was not declared a national holiday and there was still school work to do! LOL

Caught twin dd sitting on the grandma S stool and licking the cookie dough bowl clean : )

Twin dd took this pic of her cat (the handicapped one) Bubbles and include it.

And twin son wanted his picture taken too, so here he is: fresh from the backyard (56 today) and eating one of my world famous pineapple corn muffins!
There you have it, a pretty normal day even though I felt old remembering 17 years ago and 12 hours of labor! Saturday is DH b-day, so the party train just rolls on, and on, and on . . .
Blessings, Beth Ann

1 comment:

Fay Kerrell said...

Looks like a wonderful place to be. Everyone being treated with such great love and joy. And remember, you are just getting better, not older because Zac is. A Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Zac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!