A little slow getting this weeks lo-carb/leptin menu posted but here it goes:
Saturday: Crocpot chicken in horseradish sauce w/ broccoli and brown rice* (payed forward as unused meal from last week)
Sunday: German unpotato soup w/salad
Monday: Italian chicken and vegetables
Tuesday: Southwest BBQ Beef w/green beans
Wednesday: Church dinner and bible study (if nothing I can eat, have leftover soup at home)
Thursday: Baked chicken with mixed vegetables
Friday: Camping chili w/salad
I did my weekly shopping today as well and was quit impressed with my total, $83.09 form my $100 budget! I was even going to include a pic of the receipts to prove what a savvy shopper I am - LOL That included a couple of extras such as cake mix,frosting and ice cream for two birthdays this week and some school supplies! I also picked up a couple of rolls of Christmas wrap for 30 cents each at our Dollar General Market. Then I realized I had forgotten about 5 things from my list - bummer : ( LOL Think God is telling me to watch that pride thing? Me too! Will let you know how the horseradish chicken turns out.
Blessings, Beth Ann
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