Friday, January 08, 2010

Winter in TN.

Greetings from balmy middle TN. where the temp is hovering around 15 degrees : ) If this weather had hit about two weeks ago it would have made for a more traditional Christmas holiday around here. Now we are just sitting here freezing our yahoo's off! Our town has been snowed in for the past two days and that is such a joke for those of us from the north : ) But truly it's for the best since the roads are atrocious as there are so many hills,slopes. hallows and foothills. I believe our county only has one snow plow and that is reserved for the main roads. So with so many things in the south, we just try to enjoy ourselves in this slower paced life :)

Today I have a guest photographer for my blog. Middle dd wanted to take my Christmas camera and capture winter on our street. Being a great home school mom I said sure! Next thing you know she will want her own blog! LOL

Here she is, B and her cat Pumpkin, your guest photographer : )

The road in front of our house

Our front yard

Our front walkway out to the road

This is hard to figure out without some help, it's our pool cover : )

The playground in our backyard

The roof of our garage

B's other cat, Tina, waiting to be let in from the pool deck.
I'm sure you can tell from the photo's that it isn't a terrible amount of snow, especially if your from up north, but for us it's enough. Enough to remind us all of God's awesome goodness and his desire for us all to slow down and to rejoice in all his greatness, including snow.
Blessings, Beth Ann and dd Bre

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