Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Advent Sunday

We all made it to church today for the first advent Sunday of the season. Well all of us, minus my DH who gets home from his second job at 8 a.m. The day before he had only two hours between jobs! He was bushed. When we returned home he was sleeping so deeply I feared he had passed away! It is so amazing that God is with him as he has been given this opportunity to take care of his family. Just when we didn't think we could hang on any more . . . this second job turned up. It is less than his "real job", but since they are not taking out for insurance and dependents it is almost the same. It is a sad statement to this economy when a full time job only pays the same as a part time job. So my DH is having to work two full time jobs to equal enough to meet our monthly needs. Before you all start emailing me, I am not complaining - I am grateful for his jobs. And no, we are not in debt. We have absolutely no credit card debt, and no mortgage; just a home equity loan equal to about 1/4 of most peoples mortgages. It is just that the rising cost of fuel, utilities and food for a family of six is almost impossible. I pray nightly for this land, our leaders and our people.
This was the first week no one in my house had the "crud" and I could actually talk! Sad to say our song leader seems to have gotten it, sorry A. The picture above is the Nativity at our church, picture doesn't do it justice. The star is beautiful! The message for Advent was "I have you in my heart", Philippians 1:2-11. I encourage you to look these few verses up sometime this week and get your heart in the spirit of this season.
Blessings, Beth Ann

New SpringWidget

Holiday Meme

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Holiday Character Meme

I was tagged by Lois at for this holiday meme

You remember Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer don't you? This TAG requires you to pick a Christmas character you think your most like and explain why? Santa, Rudolf, Hermey, Cornelius, Bumble, Snowman etc. Then tag 3 other people...Have fun...

I relate most with Rudolf himself! He feels like he doesn't fit in, people don't understand him, he just wants to help and be part of a community of peers. Besides, his nose is the same color as my hair! LOL

I'm tagging Amy at, Risa at and Jennifer at . If you want to play? Consider yourself tagged! Blessings, Beth Ann

Saturday, November 29, 2008

All over but the groaning

Well Thanksgiving 2008 is now nothing but a wonderful memory. I would have to say it was one of my most favorite. We had a few friends over, deep fried a turkey, crock potted, cooked, stirred and baked! All this after spending the night before doing last minute shopping. We went to two different Wal-Marts (a full contact sport the night before Thanksgiving), a Publix and drove up the side of a radio tower to pick up some items from a friends house. So it was nice to kick back and relax. Also have to say that I believe this years Macy's Day Parade was also one of the best I have ever seen!

I was gifted with two whole chickens yesterday! What a wonderful surprise! So as we speak, I have one roasting in the oven with all the trimmings and one in my crock pot cooking faux rotisserie style! Yummy! Roast chicken for dinner and rotisserie chicken sandwiches for lunch tomorrw after church. Speaking of church, need to make it there tomorrow, first advent Sunday of the year. We have been so sick here for the past two weeks, but think it's licked now. First DS and middle DD had it and gave it to me. Then DH got it, so did the twins and they gave it to me again. Oh joy, I got it twice! Ain't it wonderful being a mom? LOL

Here are a couple pictures I took over the week=end and wanted to share. Hope you enjoy.

Here are my two youngest DD helping cook on Turkey Day.

Here is twin DD doing her school work, while middle DD cat, Tina, watches. Tina was the runt of the box dropped off at our house, and the only one to make it. It is amazing how big she has gotten. She was just 4oz. when we found her, now she is 1 pound 6 oz. Cool huh?

Here is Tina looking a tad guilty perhaps? Maybe she is just trying to learn through osmosis as she lays on the kids school books?

Finely, here is Tina in the twins barn. She use to fit real good, now it's getting tight. I just know one day soon she is going to get stuck! The barn makes noises and it's nothing to be sitting on the couch trying to read and hear a goat or a horse. First it startles you, then you realize it's just the cat - LOL
Blessings, Beth Ann

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving fun

I have been borrowing from again. Here are a couple of holiday quiz's to wrap up your turkey holiday in a fun way! Sorry, my graphics didn't download. I am sooooooo computer illiterate. Hope you enjoy.

What Part of Thanksgiving Are You?
You Are The Stuffing
You're complicated and complex, yet all your pieces fit together.People miss you if you're gone - but they're not sure why.

Are You a Pilgrim or an Indian?
You Are a Pilgrim
Like the pilgrims, you've felt persecuted for your beliefs from time to time.You have a strong sense of right and wrong. Your morality sometimes makes you feel out of step with the modern world.You may not go as far as moving across the world, but you still identify with the pilgrims.Well, except for the whole stealing land and killing Indians thing.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Last of the vacation pictures - I think

Here is what I currently believe is the last of our vacation photos. Even though something terrible happened to us and we had to cut our trip short, we did have a great time and I hope you enjoy this photos as much as we enjoyed being there!

Here is a shot of our camp site, and the salt marsh behind us. The pumpkins were done by my middle DD.
Don't know if you can see this, but this is my mini doxin, Howard. He looks so sad staring out our screen door on our RV.

Of course we had to bring our bikes, here is DH helping the twins on their.

LOVE, love, love this picture! Twin DD running on the beach with Howard. You can see his back is still slightly curved from his back injury last year.

Excuse the mess. DH and twin DD on our bed playing guitar. DD likes to turn the music for her dad.

If your at the beach, it must be kite flying time! Here comes oldest DS with his kite high up in the air.

Here is the backside of middle DD, trying to get her kite up. Down by the water is DH and twin DS working on his kite.

Oldest DS is making a kite repair as twin DD proves she is a master kite flyer (see the shadow by her feet).

Middle DD finely gets her kite up, as little twin brother cheers from behind!
Thanks for spending some of your time with us, on the sandy beach's off the coast of South Carolina. Hope it helps to keep you warm in these up coming winter months. I know it will for us.
Blessings, Beth Ann

Monday, November 24, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Greetings all from a very wet middle TN. Well got some interesting news over the week-end. Looks like DH family is having a reunion next Aug. I think it is like the first one ever. Glad to get plenty of notice on this as it is being held in WA state, Puget Sound to be exact. LONG trip for us. We figure five days each way in our RV and at least $1000 in gas for both ways. So need to do much praying on this. We were planning a trip out west in about two years for DS graduation, but maybe we can some now and just do Alaska in two years. Much to think about. Unfortunately I am also thinking that gives me about 272 days to try to get a bit healthier and drop a few pounds. Defiantly need prayers in this area. I am thinking of calling it my "reunion renovation project". LOL Will keep you all posted on some of the food changes I make and new recipes I make. Speaking of new recipes, we had the crock pot chicken taco's last night for dinner - delish! So easy to make to:

1 1/2 lbs. boneless-skinless chicken breast, 1 taco seasoning pk., 14oz. can fire roasted diced tomatoes.
place chicken in bottom of crock pot, mix seasoning and tomatoes together and pour over chicken. Cook on low 6-8 hours. Shredded chicken and serve in soft tortillas with all the taco trimmings!

Here is what is for dinner at our house this week:

Monday: Pasta Parmesan (Held over from last week where it was call on sickness and moved to this week) with Cesar Salad

Tuesday: Tamale Pie with veggie sticks and home made dip

Wednesday: Crock pot sauerkraut and kielbasa w/creamed onions and spice oat muffins

Thursday: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Deep fried turkey, , home made cranberries, crock pot green bean casserole, crock pot cranapple cider and onion blossoms for appetizers since we are already frying the turkey. Grandma S and Grandpa D are bringing oyster stuffing, mashed potatoes and gray, and the pies! YUMMY!

Friday: White turkey chili (made with leftovers) w/cornbread and salad

Saturday: Crock pot ham 'n cheese soup w/carrot sticks and garlic bread sticks

Sunday: Country corn blakeyed pea casserole (leftovers from week before) w/ smoked sausage and biscuits.

For more menu plan Monday fun visit

Whats for dinner at your house this week?

Blessings, Beth Ann

Saturday, November 22, 2008

What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?

What Beth Means

You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous.You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things.Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. Is that the same as being loud and and extrovert?

You can have a pretty bad temper at times. It's not the name, it's my red hair - honest, pinky swear!

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. Only took me 40 years to learn how to do that.

At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. Found the answers, at church and in the bible. I highly recommend it to all who are still "seeking".

You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. I do love to travel, but only in my RV with MY stuff! Comfortable? Guess most people with my name don't have OCD.

You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Finely someone 'gets' me!

Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. Have they been talking to my ex?

You're a strong person. Yes I am.

I found this over at Go ahead and share your name with us as well.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas Meme

I borrowed this one and you can borrow it too!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper, have a basement full!

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial, real one is too expensive.

3. When do you put up the tree? Week-end after Thanksgiving.

4. When do you take the tree down? Week-end after New Years day

5. Do you like eggnog? Yes!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Always partial to board games.

7. Hardest person to buy for? Me

8. Easiest person to buy for? Twins

9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, about half a dozen and put each one out.

10. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards ? Don't do cards any more.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Socks

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? I LOVE Christmas movies, I have almost as many Christmas movies as I have Christmas CD's. Tie between National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and Christmas with the Kranks. Wait, I ador While you were sleeping; too. Sigh . . .

13. When do you start shopping ? July

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Honey glazed spiral ham

16. Lights on the tree? yes, all one color - white

17. Favorite Christmas song? Tie again, sorry - Santa Baby and Baby it's cold outside - wait, wait, and No place like home for the holidays. Yea, that's all I think - LOL

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Home. We use to travel, but oldest son said he just wanted to be "home"for Christmas. Wait, I also love the song ; Tender Tennessee Christmas :)

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star

21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? One on Christmas Eve and the rest in the morning.

23. Favorite ornament? The pewter collection from Avon. I have them all, starting back in 1993.

24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Honey glazed spiral ham

25. What do you want for Christmas this year? A new under the counter CD/radio for my kitchen to replace the one stolen from my home. Would also ask for peace of mind and world peace, but let's be realistic here. (middle dd wants me to add that she wants a white Christmas - not likely here in middle TN.)

Thanks for sharing this with me and yes I know I am missing numbers 19 and 22, but that is the way I received this. Please feel free to play along too and leave me a link to your answers.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Seasonal stitching

Hallelujah! Last night I finished a table runner that I had stated last year. It has the Nativity scene and verse Luke 1:32 on it. When I realized I wasn't going to finish it in time for Christmas last year, I put it up and started in on other projects such as my dd in MI roses. So once again I brought it out around Sept. and . . . voila! LOL I know the pic is a little grainy, but I think you get the idea.

Now I am working on some Christmas ornaments with all the left over adia/fiddler cloth I have laying around. I am quit pleased with the results so far and it will allow me to send a little something to people on my list who otherwise I might have had to skip. I love using leftovers to make beautiful gifts. I will post some pictures, but don't want anyone who is getting one to see them early here on this blog! LOL Remember, only 37 days until Christmas.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Monday, November 17, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

"Baby it's cold outside . . . " I do believe that winter weather has arrived in middle TN. And with it's arrival a more in depth look at soups and crock pots - LOL
Here is a look at our menu this week:
Monday: Chicken Pot Pie w/ crock pot baked potatoes and steamed broccoli
Tuesday: Pasta Parmesan w/ garlic bread and veggie sticks
Wednesday: Church/Mom's night off
Thursday: Country Creole Beans and rice w/ cornbread
Friday: Salisbury Patty w/mashed potatoes and mixed veggies
Saturday: Crock pot chicken soft taco's w/ chips and salsa
Sunday: Crock pot 15 bean soup with home made bread
For more of menu plan Monday visit
Whats for dinner at your house this week?
Blessings, Beth Ann

Sunday, November 16, 2008


And double nuts, I'm still sick! Last week I was sick, as of last night . . . sick as a dog. Been a week, when will it shake? Went from sinus crud to sinus infection, soar thought, cough, leaky eyes and fluid in ears. Grrrrr.

After getting home from shopping with bff, thought I might pass out. Last leg of journey was just mandatory shopping for food. I just wanted to be home in bed. Did have fun in the morning though, just the longer the day went on, the sicker I got. We checked out the new Trader Joe's in Nashville, what a disappointment. After hearing about the one in Seattle (where DH is from) and reading the raves on various blogs about their wonderful offerings, guess I expected more. It had a tiny, hard to maneuver parking lot and a crowded store with limited choices. I much more prefer Wild Oats/Whole Foods. Guess bff has spoiled me - LOL We did go to Whole foods too, so a great outing. Trader Joe's did have some good looking produce and I scored a nice package of white,red and gold pearl onions, enough for about two recipes. Think I will makes some creamed onions and some thyme glazed onions and carrots. Kind of wishing I had also bought my turkey there, but hind sight is 20/20. They had a good deal on antibiotic free, brine young turkeys. Sigh, wish it wasn't so far (about an hour). Hey Lois, want to grab me a turkey and head over here for some so-so coffee? LOL I can't really afford the "good" coffee, let alone that turkey, but still . . . Just think about it Lois, OK? :)

Speaking about prices. After stumbling on those two sites I mentioned last week, and , I have been doing some serious thinking and reconfiguring. I know I can't do $5 dinners, but around $7 seems good for our family of 6 (two adults, two teens and two 4 year olds). I am also trying to use my crocks more. Today I dragged my sick butt out of bed, told everyone I was not going to church as I could barley speak and went to start my crock and bread machine. I figured if I died or passed out before dinner at least I would be covered with a meal. When I am sick I seem to have no energy left by 3 or 4, let alone be able to whip up a great meal. So I started a loaf of bread - only 69 cents- and a pot of sirloin chili - $4.24- add some veggie sticks - 15 cents - and some home made ranch dip - 30 cents- for a full dinner at a total cost of $5.38! I know! Better than I even guessed. I had estimated the chili at $6 and with the sides a dinner total of around $7, when planning this on paper. So I am now thinking of starting a food journal and a dinner journal. The food journal, so I can better keep track of how healthy I am eating (want to make a better effort on this. Maybe now that DH has two jobs we can afford some better quality food) and the dinner journal so that I can keep a running account of not only what I spend on one meal but also per an item. I don't know about you, but the food prices here seem to jump about every two weeks. Not just food either, don't get me started on toilet paper and garbage bags!

Anyway, on my last stop yesterday I picked up some nuts, no not my friends - LOL, the lose kind. There was a post on this a couple months ago over at and how we all seem to have a nut tradition around the holidays. So it seems to be that time of year again. I thought I would post the picture up at the top before all my nuts were gone. With in ten minutes of these being unpacked, put in a bowl and put on the sideboard, the kids started decimating it! They acted like they hadn't seen a nut in like nine months! That is pretty much all they had for dinner, which is good since I went to bed and huddled under a Grandpa Bob quilt and all DH cooked was some boxed mac. & cheese!

So share your nut stories here and let me know if you think the food/dinner journals would be a good idea.

Blessings, Beth Ann (this blog has been disinfected with Lysol for your protection)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Still more vacation photos

I would love to be able to tell you that these are the last of my boring vacation pics from S.C., but I don't like to lie! LOL Actually tomorrow I am planning on picking up the last of the film, if I can squeeze it into my busy day. I don't know how it happened, the planets aliened right or what, but me and my bff actually are going to get to hang together - sans kiddo's. Husbands get kid duty while we will be checking out the recently opened Trader Joe's and doing some covert meat pricing at Whole Foods (might see a Nashville Celeb or two there). While that is exciting in it's self, I am glad for the fellowship most. Since she moved into the "city" , it's not as easy to get together as it use to be. Life sure does get in the way of living doesn't it?

For all of you who wondered where I was in all these pictures, here I am! Or at least there is my pedicure and new bling flip-flops - LOL

Here is my dear son, and the side of him I see the most. Would love for you to see his face, but this is about all we see.

DH and little DS face the ocean, and the world together.

Yea, here is DS again. How did you guess? Here he is with his little bro, catching crabs. . . . Get your mind out of the gutter, you know what I mean!

My little E, enough said.
Blessings, Beth Ann

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stitching help

Greetings all. First I just want to mention that I forgot to lable one of the pic's in yesterdays post, number 6 I believe. I edited and got it fixed. Check it out if you haven't already.

Second. I know I usually do the stitching thin on Saturday, but thought I would post a question while it's still fresh in my mind. You know how that is! There is a lady at church who has done so much for my family, and our church too. Out of the blue last night at bible study she asked me if I could cross - stitch the Ten Commandments for her. So I was wondering if anyone out there had a good pattern for this. I found some on EBay, but not impressed with them. I will check Hobby Lobby this week-end, going shopping with bff (first time in like . . . five or six months). Could be the last time DH has a Sat. off to watch kids now that he is working two jobs. Know it is the last time this year bff has any free time! LOL So keep me posted please.

Finely, here is one of my prized stitching pieces. I stitched this sampler about 4 years ago and it hangs proudly in my kitchen. My DH does all the framing for me.
Have a great day. Blessings, Beth Ann

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Whats up Wednesday

Greetings all. I found a cute post yesterday over at and wanted to join in the fun. She asked what are your favorite 7 things in your kitchen, and she shared hers. It made me think and I made a list. When I went to take the pictures today, my list changed! LOL For people who like to cook, this is a harder question than it sounds at first. So here I am sharing my favorite 7 things about my kitchen . . .


This is a peek into my pantry. Please don't look to closely and ignore the mess! My mother in-law use to also call this the Harry Potter room since it is under our stair case. Guess if you read those books you get that. It is pretty deep and on the other wall it's got several racks for spices and dry items.

This is my back door, looking out onto our deck/sunroom. Couple years ago we got new doors for the house and our back door has those cool blinds between the glass. So cool, so clean! LOL It allows me to be in the kitchen and look out onto the back porch, pool deck and play ground, while I am cooking away!


Cook books. I LOVE them! This is just a small portion that I have on top of my china cabinet. There are more, believe me - LOL


My dishwasher. I sooooooo don't like doing dishes. With four kids still at home, we generate alot of dirty dishes.


My coffee pot and most favorite cup. Do I need say more?


My radio. I had a nice under the counter CD/radio right here. But it was one of the items stolen from us while we were on vacation last month. If you look closely up at the top you can see marks in the wall they left when they yanked it out. And I do mean yank. They ripped off the entire bottom of my cabinet, smashing all the dishes that were in there. Eventually we will replace it. But in the mean time my oldest DS is letting me borrow his old boom box. And yes, that is a stack of Christmas CD's next to it! LOL

AND MY NUMBER 1 favorite thing in my kitchen is . . .

My fridge. Actually I don't care for this model, with the side by side doors. I am sure I lost some cubic footage here. But it is way better than not having a fridge! Our old one was broke for almost a year, raining inside and freezing things solid. Even had my prayer group pray for the thing. We didn't have money for a new one or even a used one (Craigslist still pretty pricey), my friend found someone from her church who happened to have a spare in their garage. Actually I believe she said they had 3 they weren't using, so they donated this one to us at no cost - bless them! And the kids get a kick out of the ice crusher, our old one didn't have ice/water in the door. So I call this my friendship fridge.

Please share your most favorite kitchen items with us here.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Monday, November 10, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Hi y'all, hope everyone is staying warm. The mornings are crisp here, the days remind me of spring in MI, short weather - LOL
Well I shared my exciting finds of new recipe/food sites yesterday, so all that's left is to share this weeks menu plan. After reading the $5 dinner blog I took a closer look at my meals, and I need to do better. I know there are more people in my house, but I don't have more money. I thought by having some meatless meals I would save money - no. Dairy prices are thought the roof! Since I am shopping this week for the next two weeks, I am going to spend the next couple days prepping by calculating meal cost and seeing if I can do better. Although I maintain that food is not my biggest expense, it is all the paper/toiletries ect. Even items like new socks and underwear seem to come from my grocery budget. So, will see if I can cut anymore corners (already cut like 5, how many more are there?).
Here is our dinner menu for this week -
Monday: Beef Stroganoff on noodles w/ broccoli
Tuesday: Sesame chicken wings w/ cabbage wedges and corn bread
Wednesday: Church/mom's night off
Thursday: Sloppy Joe w/baked fries and coleslaw
Friday: Ham and Potato casserole w/green beans and spicy oat muffins
Saturday: Home made pizza w/ tossed salad
Sunday: Italian pinto beans w/garlic bread and mixed veggies
For more menu plan Monday visit
Whats for dinner at your home this week?
Blessings, Beth Ann

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Another cool site

Guess I have been a busy girl this afternoon - LOL Mostly in the cooking dept. While prepping my dinner and waiting for it to bake, I took time to surf a few sites on cooking. We shop every two weeks, and this coming week is one of them. So busy finalizing menus and planning ahead. Always looking for a way to save time and money in the kitchen. We are a family of 6 and in a perfect world would like our dinners to cost no more than $5. Which leads me to the site I found, $5 dollar meals, visit or see the link at the right. It has great recipes, healthy food and money saving tips. Unfortunately her site feeds a family of 4, two adults and two small children. Won't work for us, two adults, two teenagers and two small children. My soon to be 16 year old son eats about every two hours and is soooooooo skinny it makes me sick! LOL Her site recommends about $7 a dinner for a family our size. Big sigh, still hopping to do $5, looks like alot more noodles for us. Either way, I will continue to check it out for some great ideas.

Blessings, Beth Ann

Look what I found . . .

I was surfing around today and came across two new blogs that are so cook I want to share them with you. The first one is a christian mom who has alot of cool ideas for Christmas, check out or check out my links at the right.

The second one is a cooking site where a lady made a new years resolution back in January of this year to use her crock pot every day! How cool is that? I have no idea how I missed this before, but check her out at or my links at the right. She even made it on to the Rachael Ray show back in July. Now this blog has really got my wheels turning and making me wonder what I can do with this info? I just got gifted a (new to me) bread machine. That makes two, and I usually go through about two a year. I also have my eye on one at the local consignment shop. Wouldn't it be a thing of beauty to have all three on my kitchen counter going at once? Or maybe a crock pot, got 3 of those too, and a bread machine going together everyday on my kitchen counter? Hmmmmmmmm . . . .

Blessings, Beth Ann

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Yet more vacation pictures

Here is just a few more pics from our South Carolina trip. Hope you all don't mind being nickled and dimed, just seems to work out that way.

Here is a snowy white egret in the salt marsh. The parts of the island that aren't ocean front, are backed by the salt marshes.

Here are my youngest two dd's on their bikes, riding around the park. Here they are at one of the ocean/beach accesses - good breeze (smile)

Here is my youngest ds with an even better example of the breeze - LOL

Here are my two sons in the RV, playing video games. That is what camping is all about, doing things you don't get the chance to do at home (rolling eyes here).
Will post more as the week progresses and time allows. Want to remind friends, family and stumblers to sign up to "follow this blog". Love seeing who is keeping up with us on our adventures.
Blessings, Beth Ann

Friday, November 07, 2008

Some vacation pictures

Greetings all. I must confess that I have been slacking on our vacation pictures. Good news for some, but others have asked . . . With everything that has happened to us it has been at the bottom of our priority list. I have about half of them back and will try to get them post over the next couple of days. Hopefully by next week or so I will have the rest.

Late afternoon was one of our favorite times on the beach in South Carolina. We would stay until it was to dark to see. We were blessed with a full moon also while we were there.

Here are the twins in a sand fort that their big brother helped build.

This is a picture of the pier restaurant at sunset, one of the landmarks of Edisto Island Beach.
Here the twins are running fearlessly into the surf (took them quit a while to get that brave - LOL)

And here is the full moon coming up over Charleston and shining brightly on the Atlantic.
Hope you enjoy sharing snatches of our most favorite places with us. After what happened it seems unlikely we will go back any time soon. Please pray for us.
Blessings, Beth Ann

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Whats up Wendsday

Hey there. Just popping in to say hey and give a wave - LOL Actually I received lots of positive affirmation on yesterdays post and wanted to add a bit more to it as well. I want to add another example of the southern charity and good nature we have encountered in this sleepy little southern town.

Last week-end I finely got my act together and did a girls day out with my middle dd who is twelve. I try to do one of these ever few weeks, every other month or so on. For some reason time had gotten away form me, and it had been wayyyyyyyy to long, a fact my dd had be haranguing me about for a few weeks. So after our terrible "incident" I felt we needed a pick me up and caved in. I usually enjoy these little jaunts, but she wanted to go to the drive-in, and see the double feature on screen one. Ok, are you prepared to be shocked and horrified? Hold on to your underwear and don't say you weren't warned . . . High School Musical 3 and Beverly Hills Chihuahua. AHHH!!!!!!!!!! Now I wasn't opposed to the second feature( wich was so cute I have to buy it when it comes out on DVD), but I would have rather poked my eye out with a spork than see the first. I have sat through the first two HSM soooooo many times that I still wake up in a cold sweat if I hear the words "bet on it, bet on it". (only funny if you have seen the movie - sorry) Don't even get me started on the movie Camp Rock either. Which reminds me, Kristina if your reading this . . . please send that CD back so your sister will stop bugging me - thank you. Anyway, I digress. So I put my own personal revulsion aside and off we went. When we got to the main gates I was pleasantly surprised to see the owner taking tickets. I had met her like four years ago while doing a stint at the flea market which she and her DH also own (along with a ton of other stuff in town). Hadn't seen her in a while so we chit chatted a few minutes and I mentioned our "incident" to her as some of the vendors at the flea market were recent victims as well. As we wrapped it up I told her we were having our girls night out and she gifted us a free admission for the night. That small gesture not only brightened my evening but help put a bounce back in my step and jumped started my week with a positive attitude and a blessed calm about us and our situation.

So I could walk around saying how sorry I feel for my self and my family and blame this town for what happened, but I believe in the past couple weeks God has gone out of His way to show me the opposite. What a wonderful town full of caring people and now in these trying times it's more important to be closer than ever with your neighbors and lean on your church. I want to feel the light of God not only on my face but shining through my eyes.

Blessings, Beth Ann

It is our business to follow the Lord in simple faith. It is His business to make us into all He wants us to be.

"We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works." Ephesians 2:10 NLV

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Greetings all, yet another beautiful day in the mid 70's!!! Just love, love, love it here. Yesterday between all the company I had, the phone ringing off the hook and not getting my lunch until 3:30; I got absolutely nothing done . . . and I loved it! My first response was to be frustrated, but then I realized how blessed I was. Back in my old life I would never have had so many wonderful interruptions, which equal people who care about me and my family. Most were from our church, that is where the majority of our friends come from. Like minded people tend to hang out together - LOL People were even calling for me while I was in the shower yesterday, thought only my kids bugged me in there (smile). We now have a new pastor after a 16 month search. I am trying very hard not to have to many expectations for him and his wife, but it's hard. I feel like our church was in limbo and now has been set free. I am real impressed with the wife. In just two short weeks she has already treated me far warmer and made me feel more wanted in our church than her predecessors.
I also want to mention briefly a group of ladies who have taken pity on me and whom I have come to count on. I still have a hard time being in our house at night alone. I have called these ladies and they have done what they can (read baby sit me here - LOL). They never make me feel silly or like it's an imposition for them. They people in our church are some of the best people I have ever met and would encourage everyone to come meet them. Otherwise I might have to brag on them some more!
And as a special caper to my night last night, I attended my first book club meeting at our local library. It was fun and again I was made to feel welcome and part of the group. I have know a few of the ladies who work their, but kept putting off going. My kids hang out there 24/7 , so I am known as Z and B's mom - LOL Well they finely picked a book that I absolutely ardor and have read like 11 times, so I decided to treat myself to a cappachino and a mom's night out. So glad I did it. Not only was it good for my moral, but it is nice to be reminded how great this small town is and how welcoming it is to "strangers" (Yankees - smile) Again, wouldn't happen in my home town, in my old life. I am so glad God picked this spot for me and my family. It is the perfect place to raise the kids with the compassion, morals and opportunities a stones through a way, that every child should have. Yes, I live in the bible belt, heck, we're on the buckle! There is litterly a church on every corner, and I'm proud of it!
This week I am grateful for my church and my community. For more Gratituesday please visit
Blessings, Beth Ann

Monday, November 03, 2008

Greetings all, another beautiful day in middle TN. Temps to reach around 75 again! Love, love, love this place.
Looking at my monthly planner and it seems this month is full of appointments and obligations too. Every month seems to be. When will things slow down? Last week was crazy and hard to follow at dinner time as well. Between DH and DS work and other activities . . . Ah well, every day is a new chance to spend time in the kitchen with my family and make good food to eat. Easy to become overwhelmed, just take a deep breath and remember God is with you and will take care of you. Just remember what is important . . . family.
For more Menu Planning Monday visit
This is what is for dinner at our house this week:
Monday: Beef Chop Suey over brown rice w/ pineapple wedges and salad
Tuesday: Italian pinto Bean stew w/ garlic bread sticks
Wednesday: Church/Mom's night off
Thursday: Chicken Tetrazzini w/salad and corn bread
Friday: Zucchini corn casserole w/spiced oat muffins
Saturday: Home made pizza w/ veggie sticks and dip
Sunday: Ham and potato casserole w/ green beans and home made bread
Whats for dinner at your house this week?
Blessings, Beth Ann

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Total Randomness

Warm weather greetings , today it has reached 75! What beautiful weather we have here. Easy to forget about the 100's we have in July - LOL

Today I just want to share a little of this, and a little of that. I have no plan, no rhyme or reason. Just stuff that I thought someone out there might like.

Here are my oldest two and friend (in polka dot's) getting ready to beg for candy.

Here is Z snuggled up on the couch in our RV, with his sisters pink comforter that she got for her b-day. I had to laugh, but he said he didn't care; it was the most comfortable blanket (silky). Then he preceded to watch a totally violent movie, Transformers - such a guy.

Here is another of my stitching projects. I picked this apple sampler since it's that time of year.

This picture of the twins was taken when we went to MI for dd wedding. They are with their great aunt Arliene and their great grandma Virgie (DH side).

And here is the shoe tree. Again, in MI between Kalkaska and Cadillac. Entire tree is covered in shoes!
Thanks for joining me in my randomness. Sometimes that is just how my mind works!
Blessings, Beth Ann